I'm almost too embarassed to even post this now, considering how long it has been since I asked for this prompt. Back in late January/early February, I asked for sexy prompts, and
arabwel prompted me with 'car sex'. Since RPG was cancelled tonight and I didn't quite feel up to writing anything longwinded, here's a drabble (and for once one that has exactly 100 words) instead.
Title: Race Track
Author: akinaj
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Rating: 16 (one naughty word/image)
Category: erm, drabble?
Warnings: Driving too fast on the race track combined with naughty behaviour. Don't try this at home, kids!!!
Feedback: Makes me write more and faster!
Concrit: by email, please
Feedback address: akinaj @ livejournal.com
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Race Track
The Jaguar slid around the corner of the track, back tires squealing on the tarmac as they lost grip for a second before catching again and propelling the car further round the bend, then onto the long straight. Then the next turn, and the car roared full throttle through the long curve.
Inside, Lex howled gleefully, pushing the powerful engine to the limit. The helmet protecting his head hit the side window on the next turn, but somehow he couldn't care less.
For buckled into the seat next to him, stretched over so he could suck Lex's cock, was Clark.