May 10, 2006 21:12
Things I copy from Kathie...
1.) Put your music player on shuffle (or just randomly put in mix CDs and hit a track like I did)
2.) Press forward for each question.
3.) Use the song title as the answer to the question.
1.) How am I feeling today?
Freur Frei (German, apparently)
2.) Where will I get Married?
Feel Good, Inc.
3.) What is my best friend's theme song?
Hungry like the wolf (o.O...)
4.) What is/was high school like?
Wasteland (true enough)
5.) What is the best thing about me?
A.D.I.D.A.S. .... (no comment)
6.) How is today going to be?
Giving in
7.) What is in store for this weekend?
Cold (But I'm still here)
8.) What song describes my parents?
The Mess (not really)
9.) How is my life going?
My Goddess (I have not a clue on that one...)
10.) What song will they play at my funeral?
Always (Finally, good music at a funeral! )
11.) How does the world see me?
Let me go ("But you don't know who I am...")
12.) What do my friends really think of me?
You can count on me
13.) Do people secretly lust after me?
Falling ( I think that'a a yes?)
14.) How can I make myself happy?
Blow me away (o.O...)
15.) What should I do with my life?
Paradise by the dashboard light
16.) Will I ever have children?
Terrible Lie (They're not mine!?)
17.) What is some good advice?
Hey Mama (*smirks at the lyrics*)
18.) What do I think my current theme song is?
Striptease (o.O Boy, is this random...)
19.) What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
20.) What type of men/women do you like?
Black Betty (o.O again... no clue)
21.) Will you get married?
Nice Guys Finish last (Doubtful?)
22.) What should I do with my love life?
This is my dream (Apparently just enjoy it!)
24.) Where will you live?
Somehow, Somewhere, Someway
25.) What will your dying words be?
The Freshman (they got me!)
Well... those were.. interesting...