Rose is French for blue, at least figuratively. And I'd like to know why the French think soup with cream is more intemperate and aggressive. But kudos to the
dictionary that translates chochotte as "la-de-da". Does this mean that la-de-da (or la-di-da) is a proper English word, then?
For Easter this year, the BBC are planning a
musical version of the Passion of Christ featuring such songs as Blue Monday, Love Will Tear Us Apart, Ever Fallen In Love, and Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now. And neither the Catholics nor the Church of England have a problem with this. This is wrong on so many levels: covering Blue Monday is pointless; the Manco-centrism; legendary dance-monkey Bez playing a disciple is not historically accurate; and they're keeping secret what the resurrected Christ will sing (surely, I Am The Resurrection). Possibly it's in better taste than Jesus Christ Superstar (especially the film which seemed to present an am-dram trip to Israel turning into tragedy). But how come this isn't causing Jerry Springer-style levels of unease? Especially from people who believe that if they hear one more cover version of Love Will Tear Us Apart, they'll start killing people (as far as I'm concerned the only good cover of this song is one of the two versions of it that Swans recorded [yes they did TWO cover versions of the same song!], specifically the one with Jarboe singing.)The climax of the event sees Jesus sing the Smiths classic song Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now as he is being flayed by Roman soldiers. He will then come face-to-face with his Roman prosecutor Pontius Pilate with the two of them singing a duet of the Oasis hit Wonderwall.
[To whom it may concern: Some people are questioning my claim that LiveJournal is the Dark Side, a place of supreme evil, a bit crap, etc. Clearly it's not as dark as myspace, which is owned by the closest thing this world has to Emperor Palpatine, viz Rupert Murdoch. But my heart is with another online journalling site, where the people are far more likely to write about mental illness, eating disorders, and Jane Austen. Most LJers are far too well-adjusted.]
The chocolate machine at work is broken. That makes me saddest of all.