May 23, 2015 13:50
The whirlwind of first year - projects, exams, parties, holidays, introspection, questions - dies down. Most of the MBA class has vacated out of Cambridge on an expensive trek or hurried vacation squeezed in before the internship begins. And I'm - still internship-less and perhaps destined to be so in not a bad way - nestled pretty much relaxed and calm for the first time in weeks, my attention spread in between casually reading the FT, shopping on Amazon and finding my mother a birthday card online.
The question of what I want or need in my personal life still floats at the back of my mind. Or rather it occasionally pushes away my other thoughts to make its way to the front of my mind now that the other stresses have (temporarily) dissipated. Reflecting, the past couple of days have been pretty good - sort-of emerging from my finance exam alive, battling headache/acid burn post-exam, seeing a movie and walking along the beach, potentially finding a roommate (or not), shopping, planning the fintech conference, celebrating my birthday, talking about migrant workers, chilling with mba friends on a friday night.
What exactly is life? Enjoyment? Pursuit of a goal? Introspection? Emotion? Pursuit of attention? Pursuit of affirmation and fame? Contentment? Physical bodily gratification? Making other people happy? Altruism? Family? Obviously all a mix but personally I'll pick the first four and the last two - maybe one.
Toast to a beautiful summer :)