[SCENE] Phoenix and Iris in "April Flowers"

Apr 05, 2009 03:20

((Took place on April 1st))

Wright: *It's the first of April, and Phoenix is en route to In Bloom of his own free will--no joke. He looks as relaxed as ever as he traverses the streets of L.A., but there's something in his demeanour that would reveal to a careful observer that he is in fact on edge. Perhaps it's simply the fact that he seems perfectly at ease; he's got his poker face on and there isn't a single crack in it*

Wright: *contrary to his asking directions in Iris' journal, Phoenix has absolutely no difficulty navigating to the flower shop-in fact, he makes his way over as though he were long familiar with the path. And then there's two seconds more as he breathes in a breath and straightens his hat; one second more as he walks to the door--which is open--and one final second before he heads in*

Iris: *if Phoenix forgot that Easter is approaching, the store shows more than enough reminders -- its interior abounds in pastels, ribbons and egg-shaped goods. One worker shows a couple of customers the tulips, while a middle aged woman sorts tiny single stem vases at the counter. Iris has her back turned to the shop floor as she sweeps the area in front of the large walk-in cooler with sliding glass doors*

Wright: *his eyes locate her almost immediately, though he glances off-nonchalantly-nearly as fast. And instead of heading to her, he ambles over to the store's display of plush rabbits and duckies, taking the time to browse through them*

Woman: *hefting a vase in one hand* Iris, could you take the stickers off the bottom of these? They're a bit stubborn, but you should be able to get them off with a knife.

Iris: *looking up* All right. *moves behind the counter and puts away the broom* Does water help?

Woman: Hmm, this glue is very annoying...but you could try soaking it a bit with a wet cloth first, like this. That might help, yeah.

Iris: Okay. *her voice as sweet as ever. She now stands behind the counter tending to the new glassware while the woman moves out to the floor*

Wright: *picks up one of the stuffed toy rabbits, and since no one appears to be at the cash register, he walks over to the woman Iris had been speaking to who is now out on the floor* I'd like to get this, as a gift.

Woman: *had been heading toward the window display when Phoenix approached her; she gives him a friendly, maternal smile* Certainly! *loudly, to the counter* Iris! Could you serve this customer?

Wright: *nods his thanks and heads on over, bunny in hand*

Iris: *scraping at the sticker on the bottom of the vase with a fruit knife, she glances up -- never having been one good at hiding her feelings, her surprise is visible on her features* ...Oh, um-! *suddenly drops the utensil and clutches her left index finger in her hand, wincing* Ah!

Wright: *looks at her, not seeming all that surprised at all--but there's a pause before he inquires:* You alright?

Iris: *turns around, goes to the sink behind her and switches on the faucet to run her finger under water* Yes, I...I accidentally cut myself all the time here, while working. I've become accustomed to it.

Wright: Do you guys keep bandages back there-and antiseptic? *with a chuckle* Or do you just let your injuries drain into a pot to sustain the plants?

Iris: *keeps her finger still under the stream of cold water; her composure has calmed* A band-aid gets in the way while working. It's impractical anyway, with all the water we use -- unless you wear a surgical glove...but those tear easily. *turns off the faucet and dries her hands on a small towel hanging on the wall* Either on a knife when stripping leaves, or on some rose thorns... There are many things around the store that can cut us.

Iris: *turns, facing Phoenix with a guarded expression* So you see... It's hard to avoid getting hurt.

Wright: *somewhat quieter, though still with a grin* I had no idea one had it so rough at a flower shop.

Iris: *pulls a roll of green tape from a drawer* It's a rather demanding job. There's as much labour involved as living in Hazakura Shrine. *takes the end of the tape and places it over the cut, winding it tightly around her finger* But I find it oddly relaxing...

Wright: *eyes her finger as she winds the tape over it--if he'd caught what she actually said, he doesn't give any indication* *rather sharply* Isn't that going to tear the cut open when you remove it?

Iris: *cuts the tape and puts the roll away in the drawer* It's to prevent the cut from opening while I'm at work. I'll give it proper attention when my shift is over. *approaches Phoenix with a small smile* You're...here to pick up boxes?

Wright: *watches her with rather sleepy eyes* Yeah--and to pay for this. *holds up the bunny* For Trucy.

Iris: *punches a few buttons on the cash register, ringing up the purchase* *polite* With taxes, that will be $8.94. Would you like a bag?

Wright: Nah, I'll just hold on to it myself. *reaches into his hoodie pocket for his wallet. This produces about four dollar bills and nothing else; he digs further into his pockets for a moment, various items jangling as he searches*

Iris: *stares for a moment -- then, understanding* ...It's okay. I'm allowed to give discounts to friends.

Wright: No, no. *still good naturedly, he finally manages to produce a five dollar bill, and hands it to her with the rest of the money*

Iris: *takes the cash in her hands and looks up at him with somewhat sad eyes* Are you sure?

Wright: Hm? Yeah, I think Tru'd love it. Looks like Twitch, doesn't it?

Iris: ...Yes, I was thinking that myself. *smiles* She'll like it. *counts the bills before putting it in the till. She takes out nickel and a penny and hands it to Phoenix along with the receipt* What do you need the boxes for?

Wright: Packing items in. *holds out his hand till the items are dropped in his hand, then stuffs all of it into his wallet, which goes back into his pocket. The rabbit he stuffs partially into his other pocket, so that its head sticks out* We're moving house.

Iris: Moving? To where?

Wright: Oh, just somewhere still in the nearby area. It'll be closer to this place, actually.

Iris: Why? *tilts her head* I liked your little apartment.

Wright: *shrugs, smiling somewhat tiredly at her* Wanted a change.

Iris: *glancing down at the counter* ...Are you no longer able to afford it?

Wright: *chuckles* Would I be here buying stuffed toys if that were the case?

Iris: *facing him* Yes. I believe you would be, regardless.

Wright: ... *smiles quietly at her* You look tired, Rissie.

Iris: I am a bit tired.

Wright: You should take it easy. *rubs a hand on the back of his hat* Don't overwork yourself.

Iris: I'll try not to...thank you. *takes a small step away from the counter* How many boxes do you need?

Wright: Around three or four. Are they in the back?

Iris: *nods* I'll go get some for you. *starts to move to the back door*

Wright: *doesn't just stay behind-- he rounds the counter and follows*

Iris: *stops and blinks; a worker stripping leaves off a stem gives him a strange look* *to her co-worker* It's okay; he's the friend I mentioned...the one who needs boxes. *quickly glances at Phoenix again before walking to the back room*

Wright: *nonchalantly, without even giving that other worker a passing glance* Sorry to make you go through all this trouble.

Iris: It's no trouble at all. *leads him through the back room -- with all the vases and large boxes full of decorations, there's hardly room to move -- and opens another door, revealing the fire exit hall. Back here there are more vases, full boxes labelled "Christmas Ornaments," and flattened empty boxes propped up against the wall next to a stepladder*

Wright: *scans his eyes about the place before walking up close to her* *nodding at the flattened boxes* Are these it?

Iris: *the heavy door shuts on its own behind them* The floral foam comes in those boxes. We don't have any use for them... Are they too big?

Wright: They'll do just fine, thanks. *walks on over to the wall, and keeps his eyes lowered as he picks out three of them* Can you do me one more favor?

Iris: *blinks* Yes?

Wright: Stay away from Gavin.

Iris: .... *voice audibly tensing up* So that Valentine's message...it was from you.

Wright: I wasn't trying to keep that from you. *glances up, looking at her steadily* He's dangerous. And you're putting everything at risk--including yourself.

Iris: *looking right back at him, her eyes stern* If he's dangerous, you're putting yourself at risk as well.

Wright: *sets the boxes back to lean against the wall, taking a step towards her* I know what that entails, more than anyone else. You don't know what you're getting into. *his voice is calm--too calm, given the content of his words* Do you even know what you're trying to accomplish through all of this?

Iris: Yes. *with no indication of wavering* I wish to learn more about him.

Wright: I've had minimal progress in six years. What makes you think you can do better?

Iris: *her jaw tightens at that, and a couple of beats pass before she speaks* Forgive my bluntness...you know I respect your abilities. But being incapable of something does not make me incapable as well.

Wright: *grabs her shoulders-- it's not a sudden movement, and he looks in no way angry, but the grip of his fingers is a little too firm nonetheless* This is my job. You have nothing to do with it.

Iris: *it's visible on her face that she was caught off-guard; her shoulders tense up and she quickly turns her head to avert her eyes. Her voice is small* Please...don't look at me like that.

Wright: *doesn't relent--if anything, his grip tightens, and he leans in so she can't avoid his gaze* Promise me.

Iris: ... *looks back at him quietly, the emotion on her face gone* Please let go of me.

Wright: ....... *lets go, and glances off--whatever force there was behind his actions are gone*

Iris: *also glances off, but still doesn't move from her spot* May I ask you one thing?

Wright: Yeah?

Iris: What is it that you place more value in? My safety -- or your revenge plan?

Wright: *visibly flinches*

Wright: ....... Either way, I'm not going to let anyone stop me. *walks back to the wall, picking up the boxes and turning to leave* That includes you.

Iris: *doesn't say anything or turn her head to look at him as he passes by*

Wright: *walks on out with the cardboard boxes in tow, not looking back as he exits the room--and the store, ignoring the stares he gets from various people along the way*
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