[SCENE] Phoenix and Iris in: A Grave Visit

Aug 18, 2008 03:53

Iris: *It's a midsummer weekend, and Iris is in the city again to visit Phoenix and Trucy in their air conditioned apartment. Today she sits on the couch, nestled in Phoenix's arms wearing a white and yellow A-line dress with ribbons on the straps -- something she had recently purchased. She looks content as usual, resting her head against his shoulder* ...and the outfits the waitresses wore were adorable....

Iris: ...They looked...warm.

Wright: *he's in his t-shirt and jeans, holding onto her securely with his lips against the top of her head and a hand casually caressing one of the braids in her hair. His fingers run up and down it as he speaks* They are warm... I envy them for it sometimes.

Wright: *ponders contemplatively for a moment, and then chuckles* You'd look really cute in one, Rissie. Don't you think...?

Iris: *laughs and tilts her head to look up at him* Me? I'd get lost in it.

Wright: Nn-mm. *kisses her forehead when she glances up* One your size-- Rissie sized. With that parka hood, and mittens... *reaches down for one of her hands, holding her fingers together apart from her thumb, gently, as a mitten would* You'd be the sweetest, most beautiful devotchka this side of Russia.

Iris: *blushes deeply* Th-that's saying too much... *can't help but smile shyly anyway, and she places her other hand on top of his to rub his fingers*

Wright: Not at all...! *nuzzles his cheek against her, wrapping his arms all the more securely around her petite frame*

Wright: We've got the whole afternoon ahead of us. Is there anything you'd like to do? We can just sit and cuddle if you'd like... *and by his comfortable sigh, it seems he's quite willing to follow that option*

Iris: Mm... I wouldn't mind that. *leans into his touch* ...U-um, there is something I wanted to do today, however. *glances off, suddenly growing nervous*

Wright: Something you wanted to do...? *seems to catch her nervous behavior all too quickly, though he still appears quite relaxed* What is it?

Iris: *stays silent for a moment* It... doesn't involve you... That is, if you don't wish for it to, it doesn't have to.

Wright: Iris...? *tilts his head forward, regarding her features carefully* Anything you're interested in, I am too.

Iris: *when she returns her gaze to him, it's strong and steady -- this is a serious matter* I know. I'm certain this will be of interest to you.

Wright: *smiles--just a little awkwardly, something that wouldn't be perceptible to others less familiar with him* Then what is it, Ris? What's got you so worried...?

Iris: *steadily* I'd like to visit the prison today. Not the one in Bloodspill Valley... The other one.

Wright: The... other one? *frowns, not quite understanding* Calmwood?

Iris: No... Central. *shows a hint of worry, but she's still looking at him* To be specific, their cemetery is what I'd like to see.

Wright: ............ Ah. *his expression turns neutral, and remains that way*

Iris: Feenie? *instinctively puts a hand on his arm* Are you all right?

Wright: Hmm? *nods, a smile appearing on his lips at that touch* Yeah, I'm fine. And I'll come with you--if you want me to, that is.

Iris: *shows surprise at that* Oh... I'm not asking anything of you. If you don't want to accompany me, there's... no obligation. *with soft sincerity* You don't need to hold my hand through this. I was prepared to go alone...

Wright: No, I'll go with you. *his hands fall to her lap, and rest there* It's... important for you, isn't it? To go see your sister.

Iris: *her eyes are drawn to his hands, but she doesn't move* Yes. I've... never been. *there's some shame in her voice*

Wright: All the more reason for us to make it a dual visit, right? *pats her leg gently* Do you want to head out right now?

Iris: *a beat passes, and her fingers curl underneath his to hold his hand before she looks up at him* If it's all right with you.

Wright: *nods, glancing steadily to his watch* If we go now, we can catch the 2:15 bus. Let's go.

Iris: ...Okay. *stands up, her hand still holding his and her eyes still studying his expression*

Wright: *stands, stretching out a little as he does-- he still looks entirely relaxed (his eyes even fall half shut when he arches up his back) but when he notices her looking up at him... something in his expression softens and grows more sincere, more grave. He gives her hand a light squeeze* I want to go with you, Rissie. Not for her--for you.

Iris: *with a small smile, she lowers her head* Okay. *with nothing more said, her tense hand tightens around his and she heads for the door*

Wright: *smoothes his thumb lightly against the back of her hand, following her lead. He grabs his hoodie on the way to the door--he'd had it lying on top of the desk chair--and locks up once they're both out in the hall. He's not all that talkative either*

Iris: *during the bus ride, not many words are exchanged between the two. They both feel the air of discomfort but don't comment on it; there's also no discussion of what's to come*

Iris: *after what feels like longer than the actual length of time it took to travel, they arrive at Central Prison. After passing through the security, the final obstacle is a long and unnervingly silent walk down the hall leading to the door outside in which Iris looks straight forward, her hand clutching Phoenix's*

Wright: *he, on the other hand, looks only to Iris. He's never visited a prison graveyard, nor does he particularly care to-- but above the dread of being here is his concern for her and what she must be going through. When they reach the door he gives it a gentle push open, letting his eyes adjust to the outside light before he steps outside*

Iris: *the prison cemetery is abundantly green -- it's a large, grassy field with a good amount of shade provided by the trees surrounding them. The grass looks like it hasn't been cut in some time, and the only path provided is a narrow concrete one that goes straight down the middle*

Iris: *more notably, there are dozens upon dozens of markers scattered about, indicating where the unclaimed ashes of the inmates who died in prison are buried... and they are four inch tall plastic white signs screwed to short metal sticks poking out from the ground -- each one with a name, date of birth, date of death, and inmate number. The only thing remarkable about them is how small and plain they are; they resemble "keep off the grass" signs, and they each point in different directions, little care shown in keeping the cemetery neat and orderly*

Iris: *Iris steps out when Phoenix does, and she wordlessly stares out at the field of tiny white signs when she does*

Wright: *if he's stunned, he gives no indication of it; he slips his hand out of hers, opting to hold her shoulder instead* They should be arranged by date, if nothing else. *glances around, apparently trying to determine the 'end' to the rows - the location of the most recent graves*

Iris: *aimlessly begins to step forward, head pointed away from him and eyes roaming the ground; when she speaks, she sounds slightly dazed* They look like... garden signs.

Wright: They do. May 2020... February 2020... November 2019... *leads her forward, his eyes focused on the signs. He speaks quietly, but as though he's in the middle of an investigation* July... March... January. *stops in front of a marker, halting her as well*

Iris: *stops when she sees that marker, turning her body so she's facing it fully. The marker is relatively new, so the information on it can still be clearly seen: Dahlia Hawthorne / June 13, 1993 - January 11, 2019. With a solemn gaze and neutral stance, she stares as though she's looking down on a dead bird*

Wright: *his eyes only rest on the sign for a brief moment--surprisingly, there's no disgust evident in his features. His gaze then immediately shifts to Iris, and he gives her arm a gentle rub with his hand* It wasn't what you were expecting.

Iris: No... *glances at him only for a brief second before returning her attention to the grave* ...but then, I hardly knew what to expect. *slowly, she crouches down to give it a closer inspection. She leans in as she studies her twin sister's final resting place; a few seconds pass before she reaches out to gently remove a large speck of dirt on the corner of the plastic with her thumb*

Wright: *glances off when she does so, and the bitterness is finally fully evident. He focuses on adjusting his hat, moving it to rest lower on his head* Do you need a moment...?

Iris: *after a beat, she responds with some tension in her soft voice* Yes. I'd like that. *doesn't look up or move; her hair hides the view of her face*

Wright: Okay. I'll be at the door. *stuffs his hands into his pockets, keeping his eyes on her for a moment longer before heading back to the prison entrance*

Iris: *another moment passes before Iris seats herself on the grass, carefully spreading out her dress so she's not sitting on it. She sits upright, head slightly bowed, and she doesn't make a sound*

Wright: *he's got his back turned to the graves, staring at the door as if it's not the stock thick grey metal thing used in every state penitentiary. He shifts uncomfortably in his spot, and it's clear he's dissatisfied with leaving Iris behind. After a minute or so, he turns to look back to her*

Iris: *her head is lowered further now, and her hand moves up to touch her face for a second before it returns to her side. Pushing herself up off the ground with her fingers, she rises back onto her feet, still facing the marker*

Wright: *a wave of shame washes over his expression as he watches her movements-- and despite himself, he steps back toward her again. He keeps his steps quiet, stopping some feet away*

Iris: *a few seconds more of staring, and she turns away at last. She watches her step as she walks back onto the path, and she raises her head to look straight towards Phoenix, the sun behind her causing harsh shadows that hide her features*

Wright: *blinks, stepping towards her now. Even with the sun shrouding her face, the light toying with the color of her hair, the thought of her physical resemblance to the woman laid to rest under the ground doesn't click in his mind at all. He's looking to her to see if tears are on her face or at the corners of her eyes-- if she's hurt... if that sensitive heart of hers is openly mourning for a sister who never cared for her or anyone else in return*

Iris: *when she's close enough, she stops and tilts her head up, and Phoenix can see that she's smiling up at him -- her face is dry, but her eyes are glistening* Feenie-- *she wants to say more, but the words are caught in her throat, and she swallows hard*

Wright: Iris. *smiles slightly in response, closing the distance between them and taking her into his arms. He holds onto her tightly, stroking her hair* ...Come on. Let's get going.

Iris: *presses her cheek against his body, one hand grasping the front of his shirt* U-um... *she can't get another word in before she twitches and leans into him further, burying her face in his chest*

Wright: *hesitates--there's a number of thoughts going through his head, a number things he could or perhaps should say... but none of them feel entirely appropriate. He breathes out, holding her still* It's alright, Rissie.

Iris:*pulls herself back a bit, sniffling and wiping one of her eyes -- they're wet and reddened, but her expression is one of serious determination* No. *shakes her head* I'm not going to cry... I told myself I wouldn't. Not anymore... not for her.

Wright: *holds her by the shoulders, rubbing them gently* No one's going to hold it against you if you do. She was family-- you care for her. That's what a sister would do, isn't it?

Iris: *takes a deep breath and exhales* She hated it whenever I cried. Always. ...I'm certain she would hate any tears I'd shed over her... so I'm going to stop. *holds a closed fist over her mouth, averting her eyes*

Iris: ...I d-don't think I can stop loving her-- but I can stop crying over her. *a couple of beats* ...She doesn't want anyone's sympathy. Her grave... she made it herself.

Wright: *looks up, over to that marker some feet away...* She did. *loosens his hold, slipping one hand down to take hers* Come on, Rissie.

Iris: *grips his hand gently and faces him again, her features softening* Feenie?

Wright: *tilts his head down, studying her carefully through soft eyes* Yes?

Iris: ...Thank you... for coming here with me. *smiles as the tears begin to emerge again* ...I don't know what else I could say.

Wright: You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to thank me. I want to be here for you. *kisses the crown of her head, and wipes gently at the bottom of her eyelids with a finger* Now don't start crying for me, Rissie.

Iris: *softly* Okay. *wipes her eyes with her free hand and turns towards the door*

Wright: *gives her hand a light squeeze, leading her towards the entrance of the prison. He doesn't look back*

Iris: *doesn't look back either, and she's quiet for the remainder of the walk back to the prison entrance*

Wright: *it's only when they've exited the prison walls and are standing at the bus stop again that he turns to her, giving her a quiet smile* You're alright... right?

Iris: *smiles up at him, looking a little worn out emotionally -- she's still fighting back the tears* I am... I think. *tucks a strand of hair behind her ear* U-um... How about you...?

Wright: I'm fine. *and he looks it, too--there's no sign of being drained* ...I don't think I'm quite ready to go back to the apartment yet, though. How about a walk in the park? And we can go grab a milkshake, if you're up to it. *a little teasingly* ...It's your turn to choose the flavor~

Iris: ...Yes, let's do that. *takes his arm in hers and leans against him* It's... a beautiful day. We should spend it outdoors.

Wright: Mmhmm. *leans his head down, and kisses one of her hair braids gently* Together.

Iris: *gives a small, content sigh and runs a hand down his arm* Feenie..?

Wright: *smiling quietly again* Yeah...?

Iris: *with a calm, placid tone* I love you more.

Wright: *laughs a great big chuckle as he pulls her tightly to him* Nuh-uh. I love you more.

Iris: *her gaze cast downwards, she falls silent with a serene smile on her face* ....

Wright: *slowly reaches to her chin, tilting it up with his fingers-- he looks lovingly at her for a long moment... and then kisses her gently, on the lips*

Iris: *places a hand on his chest and kisses him back as the bus pulls up* No... *she takes a small step backwards, looking coy* This time... I meant something else.

Wright: H-huh? *there's a hint of naivety as he laughs and advances that small step towards her* What did you mean, then?

Iris: *shakes her head and takes his hand again, tugging him towards the bus* I'll let you win this time, Feenie.

Wright: *blinks, still not getting it-- but as he grins in victory and lets himself be tugged to the bus, thoughts about possible meanings quickly ebb away in his mind; his thoughts turn to the rest of the day, and to being with her*

scene, borscht, dahlia hawthorne, iris fey

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