[SCENE] [Flashback] Phoenix and Iris in "The Second Visitation"

Jul 28, 2008 05:25

Iris: *Late February, 2019. It's only been a few weeks since the conclusion of the State vs. Iris trial. At a minimum security correctional facility for women, Iris sits in a standard visitation room behind a sheet of glass. Her visitor has just arrived, and she's already staring at him with warm eyes*

Iris: ...You've turned into such a respectable man, Feenie. *smiles fondly* It was so sweet of you and everyone else to come and visit me here the other day. Of course I was happy that you constantly had your eyes on me, but... *saddened as she feels a twinge of guilt* ...I felt kind of bad when the little one slapped you so hard you got a nose bleed.

Wright: *chuckles nervously as he draws back the simple folding chair and takes a seat. He pulls it forward with him so he can comfortably rest his hands on the desk in front of the glass and lean towards the shrine maiden he's here to see* That wasn't exactly my greatest moment, I'll admit. Pearls... Pearls is overprotective like that, sometimes. Has she visited you recently?

Iris: No, she hasn't. *she doesn't seem upset by this* She's a busy little girl, and a hard worker. I imagine she's back to some extensive training.

Wright: *nods* I haven't seen her or Maya for a few weeks now, either. They both have a lot of work on their hands.*smiles earnestly at her--and he's doing it again, he's looking at her intently, almost fervently, in the exact manner that would've caused Pearl to hit him a second time were she here* But Iris... how are you?

Iris: *feels her face flushing lightly, and she can't hide it* ...I'm well. It's quite peaceful here, and it's giving me a good amount of time to simply...think. *tilts her head curiously* How about yourself? I see that you're alone this time.

Wright: *nods again-- and though he reddens a little as well, he continues on anyway* I wanted a chance to talk to you, by myself.

Iris: Certainly. *seems as though she expected this, but she tenses up just slightly -- she's still smiling affectionately* ...We're long overdue for a talk.

Wright: It's been... six years. *his voice is soft and he's smiling that way, shaking his head disbelievingly* I never thought we'd meet again. *his voice trails off and he has to clear his throat, try again* I don't know where to start, exactly...

Wright: I missed you.

Iris: *blinks in earnest surprise -- she definitely wasn't expecting an admission like that* You... missed me? But...

Wright: ...?

Iris: As far as you knew... six years ago, "I" was put away. *still staring straight at him*

Wright: I know. *straightens his tie--he's taken on a determined look* But like I said in court... I didn't stop believing-- I didn't stop hoping that there was another explanation. And there was.

Wright: *hesitates slightly* It's true, I didn't visit 'you' in prison the whole time. I was afraid of being proven wrong, but...

Iris: ...I see. *glances down, unable to meet his eyes* But after what I did to you, I can't say I was deserving of your faith.

Wright: No, Iris... you're wrong. *his eyes never leave her; they're steady* You did. You do. I can't think of a person more deserving. As I said... you really are the person I always thought you were.

Iris: *stays silent for a long moment* ...I've done some awful things.

Wright: *smoothes his hands across the desk*You did what you thought was right. And you did it for others--not yourself.

Iris: *her lips press against each other tightly, and Phoenix's hand comes into sight of her vision -- her eyes are drawn to it* ...My actions ended up hurting many people-- yourself included. It's a fact that can't simply be ignored.

Wright: *frowns slightly--for a moment, seeming like he's going to yell an objection* *firmly* You didn't hurt me, Iris. But you... still feel guilty about it, don't you?

Iris: ...For the past six years, I felt I could never face you again. That I was to carry this shame with me for... how long, I don't know. *a couple of beats pass, and she solemnly meets his eyes again* Those feelings haven't all gone.

Wright: *the frown deepens--it's obvious he doesn't quite understand*

Iris: *her voice is level* Feenie... What is it that you wished to achieve by talking to me?

Wright: *the question causes him to falter--and to flush slightly as well* I... I don't know. I just thought... *runs a slow hand through his hair; it's his turn to glance down*

Iris: *quietly* I-I'm... making you uncomfortable, aren't I?

Wright: *shakes his head firmly* No. I just didn't realize you'd feel this much guilt. I should have-- that was stupid of me.

Iris: *studies his expression carefully, with concern* What sort of difference would it make... if I didn't feel that way?

Wright: *chuckles a little, finally looking up* Well... you'd feel better wouldn't you? And my being here wouldn't cause you any discomfort. Because... it's you who's feeling uncomfortable, isn't it...?

Iris: Oh...! *looks taken aback -- that's all she says, but her face answers the question well enough*

Wright: I get it now. *his expression is soft again--a little pained, but he's smiling, too* I guess I came here thinking... it'd be easy to start back up, where we left off. But it has been six years.

Wright: I wish I could say that I forgive you, if that'd make you feel better, Iris... but I really don't think there's anything I need to forgive you for. And even though it might make you feel uncomfortable... even if you still feel ashamed... I'm going to keep on coming here to see you, until that feeling goes away.

Iris: You want to... *doesn't finish that sentence -- blinking rapidly, she brings a closed fist to her lips* But...why?

Wright: Because. I feel like I know you, even though I hadn't learned your name until last month. I want to get to know you better... under your own name, Rissie.

Iris: *stares for a moment in disbelief, and then she admits:* I... I wasn't expecting this.

Wright: What were you expecting...?

Iris: *glancing down at the table* I thought we would have a chat and... that you would leave and not return. *returns her hand to her lap and looks forward with a serious expression* We went many years without seeing each other. I expected you to have made a whole new life for yourself--one I no longer had a place in.

Wright: *he's smiling now* I did change--and I guess you could say I have a new life. But I've never found anyone to take your spot.

Wright: We don't have to rush back into... into anything. Just... please be here, when I come visit.

Iris: *smiles when he does, and blushes as well* I liked the old Feenie, but I like Feenie the way he is now, too. I'm... surprised to hear that. That you never found anyone...

Wright: I'm really not all that popular. *runs a hand through his hair awkwardly* And I've been busy, I guess. ...That, and... well. *chuckles a bit awkwardly*

Iris: *casually* Yes?

Wright: *looks to her steadily* None of them were you.

Iris: *her eyes widen for a brief second, and she blushes harder* Feenie... *her joy is evident in her shy smile* I'm glad you didn't change completely. *then adds,* You're still a sweetheart.

Wright: *reddens as well, at her words* I... Iris. *the name... is said a little falteringly, but his smile is sure*

Iris: Whenever you come, I'll be here. Declining a visit from you... I wouldn't dream of it. Just like... *glances up as she recalls* how I'd always meet you in the same spot at university.

Wright: *the thought seems to take him back--he smiles a reminiscent, soft smile* And we'd eat lunch, by the tree...

Wright: Alright. I'll be coming again... soon, then.

Iris: If it isn't any trouble, I'd be very grateful if you did. *looking at him fondly* It would make me happy.

Wright: *that look she's giving him... he flushes and glances down at the desk* I'm glad. That... really makes me happy too.

Iris: *blushing, she keeps her eyes on him for a moment until she catches herself staring and changes the topic* So you became an attorney... a wonderful one, at that. I can't tell you enough how proud I am of you.

Wright: *beams, subconsciously reaching up and straightening his jacket lapels; the movement causes his badge to glimmer under the florescent lighting* Heh... like I'd planned, yeah. Or like I hoped, really-- it really is everything I dreamed of. Helping people like you...

Iris: I remember how your eyes would light up whenever you talked of becoming a lawyer... just like that. *she looks into them* It's a bit late, but congratulations, Feenie. I knew you could do it.

Wright: H-heh... thanks. *if he was going to say anything else, he's forgotten it--he's gazing intently at her*

Iris: *she's about to go on, but loses her train of thought -- she stares openly at him again, and she doesn't want to look away until he does*

Wright: *rubs the back of his neck--he hasn't glanced off yet* U-uh...

Iris: *her blush deepens, but still can't break the gaze -- it's been a long time since she's been able to do this* Y-yes...?

Wright: *her eyes are entrancing, and he can't help just speaking in a mumble* Oh, no, I didn't have... anything to say...

Iris: *well aware she's being awkward, but there's no way to hide it* Oh. U-um. It's... okay. It's okay... if you didn't have anything to say...

Wright: *his words are half-dazed, as if he's still in a stupor* That's... that's good...

Iris: *entranced, as she nearly forgot how blue his eyes are* Yes. It-it is...

Wright: *were hers always so large and soulful...? Yes, they must have been* Mm... I'm glad...

Guard: *the guard standing on Phoenix's side of the visiting room can't take much more of this. Suppressing a vomit, he speaks with a firm tone* Pardon my interruption, sir, but if there's nothing else you need to say, this visitation is over.

Wright: Ack! *sits up with a jolt; he's forgotten anyone else was in the room--or indeed, where they were* R-right, right, uh... I... I guess... I guess we're done here? *this last part is said with great reluctance*

Iris: *glances at the guard, then back to Phoenix* Oh-- yes, I... I suppose we are. *she looks a little sad, but then adds:* If there's anything else you need to speak to me about, please... don't hesitate to visit me again.

Wright: Of course--no, I'm coming anyway, even if there isn't anything I need to ask you about. *pushes up to his feet, straightening his tie--glancing hurriedly to the guard before he looks back at Iris* Like I promised.

Iris: *nods* I know you wouldn't make a promise unless your heart was set on it. ...I'll be waiting.

Wright: *tucks his chair in, still looking dazedly at her-- the guard behind him seems quite impatient, but he pays the man no mind* Alright. Till then...then. See you, Iris.

Iris: I'll see you, Feenie. *a brief pause* Is it... strange? I can stop calling you that if you'd prefer...

Wright: No! No, don't. *the guard behind him lets out a just-audible groan* I was really glad you still did. Please... keep on doing it. ... If it isn't too awkward for you, I mean.

Iris: *simply smiles* No, it's not. It comes to me... naturally.

Wright: Oh. Well then-- *the guard clasps a firm hand onto Phoenix's shoulder-clearly, he's not going to take much more of this* Uh... I guess that's my cue to leave. Bye, Rissie. Iris-- *the guard gives a yank*

Iris: *tilts her head, watching him leave with a sweet yet wistful expression* Goodbye, Feenie...

Wright: *though he turns to leave, he keeps looking over his shoulder as he's more or less dragged out the door-- he manages an awkward wave before he disappears*

Iris: *returns a small wave, even though he can't see. She sits there for a while, just watching the door until the guard on her side informs her she needs to return to her cell. She leaves her seat and looks back at the door once more time before she's escorted out of the room*

scene, flashback, dahlia hawthorne, iris fey

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