
Feb 05, 2008 16:44

Hmm... it's been a while since I've posted an entry, but I've been pretty tired lately--well, not tired so much as feeling really stretched out in terms of priorities. There's been a lot of things to juggle around, and after work it's hard to resist just vegging out in front of the TV.

Trucy is taking good care of her rabbit and it's behaving, so there's no complaints there! In fact, it's pretty cute... And it hasn't even been eating my clothes or chewing on cords, or anything.
I guess I was just dreading the worst case scenario when we took it in.

Anyway, Iris and I went on a date the other day. It was... great! I've really missed it, the whole experience of 'going out' for an evening, sharing it with just one other person. I've really missed... her. It doesn't feel like we've started right where we left off, though. Both of us have changed--especially me, I guess. But it's a change for the better.

Valentine's Day is coming up soon. The whole holiday is pretty much a commercial trap, I know... But hey, if you make your own cards and gifts, you avoid that whole money sink, right? And I kind of want to do something this year with everybody, so that everyone can enjoy the day like Rissie and I will.

I don't know if everyone did the same thing in grade school, but Trucy mentioned her class is going to be setting up Valentine's Day boxes. Silly idea, I know... but hey, if everyone's up for it, we should give it a shot! Tru and I will be setting up boxes outside of our apartment.

What else? It's still a long way off, but I'm thinking about costume ideas for Edgeworth's 'masquerade'. I can't really ask for suggestions here, since a lot of you will be going... but hmm. I don't suppose any of you want to share your ideas?

iris fey, trucy

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