Dad here again, the boys are sleeping right now and have completely slacked off on posting!
Their official due date was yesterday, so YAY they're now babies instead of preemies! James is well over 8 pounds and if David isn't over 8 pounds as well now I'd be very surprised. James is actually getting a little baby pudge finally, although it might just mean he's about to have a growth spurt.
We've started taking the boys out in public. Saturday was a Halloween party at a friends' house. We dressed them up in some teddy bear jumpers and they ended up sleeping pretty much the entire time. Of course James started to have a meltdown on the way out to the car and somehow managed to toss his pacifier down a storm drain when I wasn't looking.
Monday we took the boys out for errands and they got wander about in World Market and BJ's with us, and again managed to do it without a meltdown.
And yesterday we took them to Locked & Loaded to celebrate their due dates. Of course, they slept the whole time and weren't really celebrating but they were quite popular with the waitresses and the bartender.
I'm counting my blessings on the whole "them sleeping in public" thing. So far we've been able to time outings so they come right after a feeding and we get a good 3 hours without too much fussing, but that won't last.
Anyway, you're tired of reading me prattle on so let's get to the real reason you're reading this
Daddy with the boys! (yeah, this is the icon too)
David in a bear outfit (we actually have quite a few bear outfits, there's nothing like a live-action teddy bear).
James in a bear outfit.
David putting up his dukes for a post-bath fight!
James flipping us off for putting him in the ducky towel instead of the much cooler monster towel.
The boys in their crib upstairs. James on the left, David on the right.