Sep 06, 2008 17:26

Name: Dr. Owen N. Theocean. (Identified by a Driver's License in his wallet)
Age: 38 (Also thanks to the license, all other information obscured by water damage)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Time of Death: Anywhere between 11 A.M. last night and 1 P.M. today.
Cause of Death: Undetermined. The body appears to have...been in the ocean for a while, but on closer inspection, there are two uneven slash wounds across the neck, three stab wounds on the torso (one on the side of the chest, one in the stomach, one in the shoulder), and bruising along the back and head, and though the bruising is so thorough we can't really tell what caused it, I'd say it's somewhere along the line of a hammer or a baseball bat, just because of the size of them.

Since the body can only still bruise immediately after death, it's safe to say that all these were inflicted while the victim was still alive or only newly dead, so we can rule out drowning as a cause of death for sure. Whether or not the stab wounds inflicted were before or after his death, I'm not sure.
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