(no subject)

Jul 10, 2008 20:21

The Island Guide

I'm sure you've got to be confused reading this, but welcome to the island! No, there is no other name for it, and it's safe to say it isn't near any of our worlds. Some have guessed it's on some kind of Earth, but again? No one can leave, so no one knows.

If you really wanted a plain definition as well as any of us still here can figure out--it's at the center of a lot of different worlds. Meaning even if you're an ordinary person from the middle of nowhere, chances are you'll be finding people you more associate with video games or science fiction novels, and while that sounds dangerous, we're all still here so I guess that says none of them are -too- dangerous.

In essence, the landscape is mostly ordinary. You won't find much civilization because while we have some talented builders and mechanics, most of us are ordinary people and most of us...don't have building capabilities. The biggest and most grand things you'll probably see around here are the church and a mansion near the hot springs--but those have pretty irregular circumstances surrounding them. Otherwise? The island is mostly covered in forest, topped with a volcano, and surrounded with beach. If you're frightened about the wilderness, don't worry--our dingos and monkeys are more mischievous than dangerous, and if not, there's usually someone around to lend a helping hand.

And to put it simply--no one knows why we're here. It can be a grand plot or it can be as simple as doing it for the giggles, but I'm afraid the island doesn't answer a lot of questions.

Well, seriously.

But enough with huge paragraphs of text you don't really want to read--it's better to get to the do's, don't's, when, where's and why's of this place.

Where you can live!

The official answer? Anywhere that isn't taken. The choice places to live is the Inn, as run by Lelouch Lamperogue, a hut, and a cave. Caves are in plentiful supply and any empty one is free to live in--but they aren't as comfortable as most huts so people tend to live there or the inn. You don't have to pay to live in the inn either, mostly do chores and you'll be set, but I hear it's getting crowded over there. Unless you're a good builder, I say that place is your best bet.

You could always sleep under the stars too, I guess. And there's a place to the northwest of the beach that pretty much everyone arrives on--it's called the Red Cliffs. Some people say it was made by natives long before we got here. As far as I know, there are artifacts and really -really- old furniture, and for the most part, I think no one lives there. It's another good choice, and I think it's a lot quieter than the others.


What you brought or make is what you have, I'm afraid. You could always trade or borrow with someone else, I guess, but there's no real stores set up around here. Sorry.


Your feet.

'Theme days'

Every once and a while, we'll get...these weird days. Sometimes they'll only take up one day, sometimes they'll take up a whole weekend. This is where the island calls the shots and makes you do whatever it wants. Such things include...

Being handcuffed to someone
Growing older
Becoming younger
Switching genders
Acting unlike yourself
In love with someone you don't love
Thinking you're in high school

And sometimes the island will also...
Rain strange food/objects
Play bad music.
Have huge temperature changes.

And there's much more than that--I can't really add more because it constantly changes, and whoever is reading it most likely doesn't believe it unless they've been here a while. You'll just have to see for yourself.

What about eating?

You have to fend for yourself--but, of course, there are some foods you should eat and some you shouldn't. Here's a handy list of good and bad--

-Most fruit aside from berries.
-Pretty much all sea-life, if cooked properly.
-Actually, if you're not squeamish, if you wanted to cook and eat the dingoes, you could.
-There's a lot of normal ducks here, go for it.

-Most coconuts are filled with alcohol. Strong stuff. Not necessarily bad, but keep it in mind.
-...Just to emphasize: do NOT eat the berries. Please.
-Cacholate or whatever you call it. It can make you really sick, so avoid it.

Oh no! What if I die here?

You won't stay dead. People who have the misfortune of passing away while they're on this rock will be revived within the week. This doesn't mean you should go throw yourself off the nearest cliff for giggles. It also means that someone dead from your world can show up here, good as new, for better or worse. Have fun with that.


It'd be a lie to say people haven't left--but it'd be a lie to say this place has a genuine exit too. People pop in and out of here at total random, so let me tell you now that there is NO findable way off of the island. Take as many heroic quests as you want, and try to blow up the barrier as often as you want--you're not getting out.

And it should be noted that -IF- you try blowing up the barrier, whatever you throw at it will be thrown right back. Trust me--don't -DO- it.

What do you mean the island talks?

It just does. I guess we can assume it's the only thing that knows anything about this place or why we're here, but tough luck getting an answer out of it. Occasionally, it'll grant our requests and give us, say, stuff or letters from home. More often than not, it'll give you things you don't want, so be aware of that.

Also, from time to time, it will grant ineffective restraining orders.

What about a justice system?

We tried that--please, please don't suggest it. It comes in the form of trials and is usually a pain. The law is in the people here--while you certainly won't be arrested for doing wrong, you might have to answer to the island if it becomes a problem, sadly.

What kind of people will I meet here?

From your average everyday lawyer to demons to vampires, to serial killers to real superheroes to real supervillains--believe me when I say you have EVERYTHING here, but trust me more when I say just because we have some shady sounding people, it's not necessarily a bad place. Trouble really only finds you in fellow islanders if you go looking for it.

Other islands?

No one goes to them--but they're basically the same as this one, but smaller and have NO ONE living on them, if you want more peace and quiet. One of them grows electrical plants, if you're in desperate need of a battery.

There's Clam Island too--I don't think a lot of people go there anymore thanks to it's reputation of messing with your head. I think the zombies there just have luaus now.

I need a map!

Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!

Underdetailed at best--but there's all the main locations. Hopefully it will be of use. Also, please note that there are ruins scattered about, feel free to explore those too.

Bits and pieces left you should know;

There are cold springs here that make you change your form. They are ALWAYS marked with sticks, so avoid those at all costs.
All hot springs are safe, and marked with pink, sparkling statues.
Don't try to burn any doujinshi you find in the library, it'll multiply, no matter how horrifying it is.
There is a flag over the volcano of...well, you'll see for yourself. Do not try to destroy it, it's made up of the same things the barrier is made of.
The volcano can occasionally spew things that aren't lava, but that hasn't happened in a long time. Also, don't go in it. Why would you do that.

I think that about covers it--if you have any more questions, try asking a resident whose been here a while, some of us have been here for two years, so most likely your question will be answered.

Hope you find it useful!

-Phoenix Wright
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