The Wonderbar, though it does serve alcohol, does not give off the appearance of a sleazy place. Rather, it seems to revel in its own eccentricity, showing off pictures of several unusual acts it's booked in the past as well as a generous assortment of musicians. Anything goes here, from ventriloquists to country singers to a trio of old French
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She takes a seat. "I'd love one, thank you. What're you having?"
He looks up at the stage. "I really hope you like the performer tonight. She's young, but she's pretty talented."
She looks up at the stage as well. "Yeah? And she performs magic?"
She looks at Wright curiously. "What circumstances?" she asks. But then the show starts, and she falls silent in anticipation.
She blinks, surprised by the girl's age, then stares at the giant puppet. "Is she... is this real magic or is she just that good?" she whispers.
He doesn't reply as the show starts. He watches attentively, clapping and laughing at the appropriate parts. And yet if one were to observe him closely, there's an odd wistfulness, even melancholy to his expressions as he watches the young girl on the stage.
"She... she's really good. I've seen this act a lot of times and still can't see how she pulls it off," he whispers, an odd tone in his voice that's hard to pin down precisely.
Sarah watches Wright for a minute or two, curious about his expression. Does he know the girl? But soon her attention is transfixed again on the stage. She applauds and even adds a whistle during the conclusion of a particularly complicated trick. "Really good," she agrees.
He nods a bit, smiling. He watches her some more, then asks, quietly, "Do you... think it's possible to get something good in your life, and still regret what you didn't get?"
On stage, she does something involving firing a cat out of a cannon. But the cat's okay, folks!
She glances over at him at his question, then frowns a little at the table. She unconsciously puts a hand on her stomach and rubs it faintly. "Yeah. That's possible," she mutters, sounding bitter.
Then the cat gets fired out of the cannon and she goes all O_O. "Holy crap, did you see that?!"
She looks at Phoenix, then at the stage again. Obviously what he lost has something to do with the little girl. "You can't have everything," she muses, peering into her drink. "It's unfortunate that we can meet alternates and find out what life would have been like had things gone differently."
She blushes and laughs as well. "It's pretty freaking cute, is what it is. The kid, too."
He nods. "Or assholes from our future who decide to spring events they think are inevitable on you just to see you squirm," he adds, somewhat bitterly. "Though I have met a future me from that alternate situation. It's... awkward."
He chuckles. "Yeah, it is. Though I really have to wonder why she pulls everything out of a big pair of underwear..."
He's not kidding. It's not a style of underwear that any fashionable woman these days would wear, but it's definitely a pair of panties. With hearts. That she seems to be able to pull everything but the kitchen sink out of.
She wrinkles her nose and takes a long sip of her drink. "That's never happened to me, thank God. I just keep meeting alternates of my boyfriend." From the look on her face, that's not a good thing. Smiling a little, she adds, "I met your alternate once. He was a sweetheart."
She peers at the pair of bloomers. "I think I have a pair like that," she muses. "Not quite as large, though."
"Hmm?" He thinks. "Really silly gay college student alternate, or weird guy with the glasses that talks to ghost alternate?" he asks. (One would argue that he's insulting himself with the "gay" comment but, uh, that alternate really was gay. Which was bizarre to say the least.)
"Probably less random items in it too," he says as she somehow pulls out a stepladder.
She laughs at the descriptions. "Uh, the guy with glasses who talks to ghosts alternate. I didn't think he was weird."
She giggles again, watching the show. "Yeah, you could say that. That's not where I keep my -- hey, isn't that the cat she shot out of the cannon?" The same furry feline is being pulled out of the bloomers, looking no worse for wear.
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