Filming, Birthday, More Filming

Feb 23, 2006 10:49

My tutor all but gave up on me with this chem thing and decided we should move on to the MATHS. URGH.

But at elast she decided to give me a break on my birthday. We did the easy stuff that day.

The actual birthday bash didn't happen till Saturday (since my birthday fell on a Friday this year). Family and friends came over for a HUGE, HUGE dinner over in this one place in Piccadilly's. I got a ton of jewelry and LOTS and LOTS of giftcards -- and cold, hard cash, which Mum promptly took away and put in my account. Which is okay, since I'd probably lose it anyway among all the stuff stashed in my room (which I need to organize at one point sometime this century).

And my brother got me a small bottle of Marc Jacobs perfume. Mmm. Smells SO GOOD. And some of my relatives who're in America at the moment sent me the DVD of the movie "RENT". I am now inspired to go Bohemian and wear knee-high heeled boots. And maybe leopard-print coats as well.

By the way --- THANK GOD the next few weeks are not 5 am calls for me. They're at SEVEN. Okay. Not much better than five but still. It's a start. I hate being up when the sun isn't even up himself.

Filming's going great as usual. AND I actually got to see some chemisry in action --- someone had sodium pellets, threw it in the lake, and BOOOOOMMM!

By the way, congratulations to the BAFTA winners. I watched a bit of the ceremony. William Moseley and Rupert do take cute pictures together.

Doesn't Rupert look better with his hair cut? But it sucks cause I can't tease him about it anymore.

Love you all, F-List

Meow -- BonBon, who promises to getting around to new icons. SOON.
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