I've been working on this for a while and I've still only got to the end of friday! (bloody reral life again - well it can go hang for a bit!) So thought I should post what I've written so far for you to be getting on with whilst I slave over the next bit.....
Rosie Goes to See James at Phoenix Comicon
Thursday 27th May
Horribly early start for this trip - I had to leave the house at 3.30am to drive to London, to catch the 5.19am bus to Heathrow. The only advantage was there was very little on the roads, so it was an uneventful journey, and the time passed easily with James reading Dead Beat to me on the CD player. Caught the bus no problem and was soon at Terminal 4. Apart from the self service machines not working, checking in was easy and then I spent my time after that with breakfast (always enjoy a good brekky at the airport!) and working on finishing up my FedCon report on the laptop!
Phoenix isn’t that easy to get to - I had to go via Houston and that was a 10 hour journey just to there. It did give me time to catch up on a few things though - finally got to see Avatar and 4 new episodes of House!
I had a 2 hour layover at Houston - having got through immigration in record time (Houston was good! They opened lots more lines and I was second through on mine - and it’s definitely as I’m travelling to the US so much lately that I get through quickly as other people are still being given the third degree.) It was a leisurely job to find my next flight and have a large cup of tea!
I enjoyed that flight a lot - spent most of the time with my nose pressed against the window, enjoying the desert scenery, so very different from the greenness of Europe. On arrival at Phoenix, I made my way down towards the exit, keeping an eye out for Patti, when I saw an info screen with my name on, saying there was a message for me. I found the pick up place and it was from Patti, asking me to ring her. It turned out the poor girl had broken down on the Arizona border, about 2 hours north of Phoenix - the alternator on her car had gone! They hoped to have the part by the morning and to fix it, so it looked like the earliest she was going to get there was midday the following day!
So I was on my own for the evening. I got a cab to the motel which was cheap and clean and got settled in. The clerk told me that the light railway was only 2 blocks away and that would be the easiest way to get to the convention. I fired up the laptop and looked at all the maps and info on it (thank God for the Internet!) and then set off to explore.
It was very hot, but the nice dry heat of the desert which I can deal with. The train was just 2 blocks down and having worked out how to get a ticket, (a very excellent $1.75 one way) I got on the very nice air conditioned train that 2 stops later delivered me outside the convention centre - except I didn’t realise quite where it was and went the wrong way. I found the Hyatt hotel and ended up walking round the block before I found the other end of the Convention centre which took up an entire block all on its own, and the other train station for the return journey.
After a little bit of confusion about will call tickets which I wasn’t, they sent me round to the next big lobby for the main registration. I saw the short line waiting there and just joined it. A few minutes later, I realised that most people were coming in through the main doors to my left, whereas I had come in the far corner - and there was a big long queue waiting down the lobby and out those doors! I hadn’t even seen it and I effectively jumped the queue by coming in from the other side (albeit innocently) and I got to get my pass in about 5 minutes! Oops!
The preview night in the vendor’s hall didn’t open until 6pm so I had about an hour to kill. I jut wanted to have a look round and get my bearings so I knew where stuff was (for that read James’s table and where the photos were!) So I tried to find somewhere to eat. A lot of places in the area appeared to only be open during the day, but I did find a steakhouse type place in the centre opposite. The portions were huge as usual - my burger and fries arrived on what looked like a large tray rather than a plate, and mindful of my diet, I didn’t eat it all (which in itself is a miracle!) whilst phoning Patti again to see how she was doing and giving her the low down on the situation.
Returning to the convention centre, the queue for registration was now much longer and snaked its way out of the doors and all across the front of the halls. There were a lot of people in costume already, even though this was only preview night - and a lot of them I didn’t recognise as they seemed to be animae and gaming characters and lots that were Japanese Manga. This was a comic con first and foremost so the overall demographic was quite different to the cons I’m used to. A large proportion of the attendees were in their teens and twenties and seemed to be big cosplay fans - there was a much larger number in costume than I’d seen before - and I started to feel very under dressed!
In the vendor’s hall I found James’s autograph table quite easily - he was going to be in between John Schneider and Ray Park and I wondered how they were going to control the lines the next day as there were vendors opposite and the aisle wasn’t particularly wide. It didn’t look like it was going to be very easy to take any pictures.
I found Froggy’s photo’s just up from James and it seemed that the photos would be done in a small curtained off booth right there. I kicked myself for not having brought money with me as I could have bought my photo tickets then and there whilst it was quiet, but now would have to wait until the morning. I had a quick whistle stop tour round the other stalls but nothing caught my eye as the majority was comics and gaming, none of which I’m into. And I didn’t see anyone I knew, so I took myself back on the train and to the motel where I crashed out at around 8.30pm as I had been awake for over 24 hours by this point. We were close to the airport and not far from the railroad tracks, but I didn’t care - it was just nice to be able to lie down and go to sleep!
Friday 28th May
Apart from the trains hooting loudly at the intersection a few hundred yards from the hotel at 3 in the morning, I slept pretty well! I knew I was going to have to walk to find breakfast and even this early it was still mighty warm. As the dealer’s room at the con didn’t open until noon, I had plenty of time, so chose to walk to breakfast first and then go back to the hotel to collect all my stuff, as I know my propensity for throwing food down my clothes!
3 blocks found me a Carl Juniors and a reasonable sour dough sandwich (no tea though - had to settle for diet coke) and a leisurely stroll back to the hotel and then the station still saw me on the train to the con with plenty of time to spare. I checked out the size of the ballroom where the Q and A's were, and it was HUGE! Free-for-all seating though, so it would be a case of staking a claim on a seat at the front early in the morning and camping out until James’s Q and A
As there wasn’t anywhere else to go until the main hall opened, I just hung around in the main lobby and admired all the many and varied costumes - there was definitely some one-upmanship going on with the size of some of the swords - I was quite impressed by the one that was about 7 feet long, but then saw one that was even bigger strapped to one guys back, probably about 9 feet long. Hmm, over-compensating much??
I was then approached by a lady who asked if I was Rosie - it was Evelyn, known as Whatzit from one of the boards, who had been looking out for me - my red hair did it again! So we talked and hung out - this was her first time seeing James so she was really looking forward to it. There was still over an hour until the vendors hall opened, so we firstly went into the ballroom again to watch the cosplay chess game (some of them were really into it and dying spectacularly when they were taken by the other side - those big weapons came in handy!) and then we just sat and chatted in the large food area until they finally started letting people into the hall.
We joined the queue when we met Jean and Terry and went in with them. Having checked out the lay of the land the day before, I was making a bee-line for the photo ops which was taking us past James’s table. As I zoomed down the hall at my normal breakneck speed, leaving the others trailing behind me, I could see Steve already standing there and as I got closer I saw Patricia - and then there was James too, sat at the table all ready to begin!
There was nobody much about and James was just sitting there, looking around. I kind of screeched to a halt as it was kind of unexpected to find him there. I couldn’t go on past, but I didn’t want to be standing there, blatantly staring, so I feigned interest in the vendor who was opposite, whilst I was really checking out the man (Luckily the vendor was selling autographs rather than something weird and incomprehensible!). James looked absolutely wonderful - dressed in a grey button-neck t shirt with a dark grey open waistcoat over the top and his hair a mass of curls.
He then looked up and saw me and his face broke out into a grin and he called out “Hey Rosie, how you doing?”
I grinned back and said “Congratulations!” from across the aisle - he obviously didn’t hear me as he kind of jerked his head slightly at me in a silent enquiry. So I went across and leaned on the table in front of him and said again “Congratulations!”
James just smiled the most beautiful smile as he said thank you - he looked and sounded so totally happy - it was wonderful! He immediately waved his left hand at me saying “Look, I got a ring too!” He quickly showed it to me - a plain silver band with a border and then said “I was complaining to Steve “Where’s my ring? Why don’t I get one? Damn sexist world” and then I got to Germany and Patricia said “This is for you” and gave it me!” He was so sweet and goofy and in love!
I said “Thank God I don’t have to keep quiet any more - it was really difficult after you told us at Valentines - but nobody blabbed!”
James laughed and replied “It was so hard for me too! I just wanted to tell everyone, but my publicist said it had to be done right.”
I then realised that this was the perfect moment to give James the engagement card I had made - I was going to give it him when I got an autograph, but this was better as there was still no one else about and Patricia was there too. So I dived into my bag and pulled it out and handed it to James. He looked surprised and said “Should I open it now?” and of course I said yes. It had both their names on it so he called to Patricia to come over, which she did and then he said “Look, we’ve got a card” and then introduced us. We grinned at each other, shook hands and said “We’ve met!”
They did open it between them and they seemed to love it - James was so sweet about it. I said I had made it and he was impressed - he loved what I had written inside, and then after Patricia had read it and said thank you, he took it back and very carefully looked at it all again - including the back where I had written “a Rosie Original” which he liked, reading it out with a smile. He then said “You’re very clever, very creative to make it” which made it all worth it.
I had very hastily made the card late on the previous Monday night, using anything I had in my sewing supplies. It was made from a small piece of silk that I had dyed purple, added some stitching and a dark red velvet heart with extra stitching and bead embellishments and some narrow ribbon - just an abstract design that I then put on plain card. I wanted to give them something a bit different and creative textiles is something I can do well.
James kept on looking at the card, and touching the fabric on the front - stroking it and running his finger over the beads. I find textiles are incredibly tactile and I always want to touch and it seemed James did too. He remarked as he stroked the velvet heart “There’s a heart - there’s two hearts (one stitched inside the other) - and its got a little bead in the middle!” and he was still looking at it and running his fingers over it as he thanked me yet again. Such a wonderful response - I love to make things for people, but tend to only do it for people who I know will appreciate it. James totally surpassed any expectations I had of him even noticing it, never mind being so appreciative. That was a lovely start to the day.
Patricia went back to sit by Steve and James told me things were changing a bit - they had a new kitty! I immediately ‘awwed’ and asked what it was like and he told me she was grey with white mittens and chest. I asked her name after squeeing a bit “Pandora” replied James looking a bit miffed, “Britney had to name her and she chose that. I don’t like it - I’m calling her Pan at the moment until I think of a suitable nickname for her!”
I made appreciative noises (well - kitty! Cutest things ever!) and James added “It’s the first cat I’ve owned since the New York cat”
“Since Zackary” I asked and he confirmed.
There now was a couple of people behind me, so we shook hands and then we both changed it into a hand grasp and squeezed each others hand as I said I was so happy for him and I would see him later.
A wonderful start to the day - time spent talking with James and I was so glad I was able to give them the card together. I went off round the corner to buy my photo ops but had to have a stop and a squee first! So lovely and unexpected.
Having bought a whole slew of photo ops for the weekend, I did a bit of lurking around and took some pictures of a very smiley James doing autographs. It wasn’t easy as I suspected with all the through traffic but I got some good ones. Then, as it still wasn’t that busy, I decided now would be a good time to go and see James “officially” and get an autograph - as there was a couple of things I wanted to ask him about and get on video and I did have a picture for him to sign - and I had a gift for Steve.
Had to join the queue round the corner - which consisted of me and one other girl - then we were called over by a steward when there was room for us by James’s table. Patricia was sat behind alongside Steve, so I quickly said “Can I see your ring?” and she showed me her hand with the very delicate narrow band of same-sized diamonds in a silver (or white gold) setting on her finger. It’s very pretty - and looked just right on her slim hand and I made admiring noises. The lists for the Sunday coffee sessions were there too, so I applied my name to each - there was not much take up at this point - and I was then able to give Steve his present - a blue-green t shirt with “Sarcasm is just one more service that I offer!” on the front - needless to say, he absolutely loved it!
I walked across to James and held out my hand saying “Hi sweetheart, thought I’d come round now” and we shook hands as James said “Good to see you babe” as he smiled up at me. And then he looked at the photo and asked “Where as this taken?” (a black and white head shot from the UK visit in Feb)
“Uh… the Tabernacle - that was great - had a great position for that concert”
“Patricia says that I’m in good voice - so it should be good tomorrow”
James saying that reminded me of what I wanted to ask and I started to do so and then said “carry on signing and I’ll ask you in a minute” and then I saw what he had written (‘All is Love”) and ‘awwed’ about it with a happy smile.
As he finished signing, he asked me “Have you got the soundtrack to “Where the Wild Things Are” yet?” and when I replied in the negative went on “Oh Rosie, do yourself a favour - its my favourite album!” and as he handed me back the picture “Also - Arcade Fire…” and he screwed up his eyes thinking “Neon Bible” - awesome album! Do you know Arcade Fire?”
I had to admit I didn’t and that I’d not even heard of them. James was insistent “Get that album!” And he then continued in an awed voice and his hands up to emphasise “They are the best - all the cool people in L A are like “Do you know Arcade Fire?”” in his best ‘I’m-so-cool-and-hip’ name-dropping voice which had me giggling - “they’re like the cool band.” And then, running his hands through his hair, added “Yeah - Tom Petty says “That’s the new band”” in his best super-cool suave voice whilst clicking his fingers which just set me off giggling again! (and I have ordered Neon Bible from Amazon to try it out…!)
I giggled a bit more and then went on “What I wanted to ask - since your engagement, there has been the most ridiculous rumours going around on the net, like I knew there would be and I thought “Oh God - I know who to ask - I’ll ask the man himself!” James was looking up at me, biting his lip and grinning - totally focused as he said emphatically “Yes!” and kind of put his hands out in a ‘Here I am’ gesture as he agreed with me.
“The great one is “James is going to give up acting when he gets married””
“Huh!” and he smiled, and there was a brief pause as he considered before saying “Oh yeah, because once a man gets married he doesn’t have to support anyone at all” and making a kind of “Duh!” gesture, added with a huge amount of sarcasm “That makes sense!” and he was doing this huge beaming smile at me without showing his teeth and I was just cracking up even more before I was able to continue “And the other one is “James isn’t going to write any more music - he’s giving up music too””
James made a “Huh?” frown that quickly went into a “WTF?” face as I continued “I don’t know what the hell they think you’re gonna do!”
He kept the WTF? face on as he slowly shook his head and then screwed up his eyes as he tried to get his head round it (which made me laugh more!) and then finally said “uh - NO!!” in a totally exasperated and unbelieving tone. “I’m in the middle of writing a song right now…”
“…And it’s one of my old “wet puppy, feel sorry for me” songs. No - nothing has stopped at all”
“And are you still working on the album, or is that on hold at the moment?”
“It’s definitely on hold cos Sullivan’s grades aren’t good. I took away his guitars. He still has a couple to play but not a Gibson any more. I feel guitar has become like a drug to him, so I’m taking them away to get him onto something else”
“Fair enough” I put in.
Propping his chin on his hand he went on “I dunno what to do - Charlie’s really wanting to record and I started it with Sullivan and I want to finish it with him - but he’s got to give me something man, he’s gotta…” he turned away and leaned back in his chair not being able to get the words out, shaking his head. Then he threw his hands up, grinned at me and said “I’m so frustrated about this!!” and then growled! I said something like “You’ll be on this all day” and James did another mock “Grrr!” and mimed grabbing at something before saying “I just found out yesterday they didn’t improve - he’s not gonna flunk, but he’s just….” More frustration “He’s smart Rosie, he’s really smart - there’s no excuse man!”
He was so frustrated by it all and it was obviously still very raw - but like he said, he was “trying to be a dad about it”
We talked a bit more about photo ops and people taking advantage and how it depends on what people are like - James finishing up with “We’re not in the UK or Germany so it should be OK”
I’d been there for a few minutes by now so knew I should move on, so we shook hands and then turned it into a hand grasp with our thumbs interlocking as I said I would see him later.
Then I had time to kill, so I quickly went and sat by the wall where I could see James from and wrote up what had happened so far and sneaked a few more photos. Then I lurked about a bit and spent more time with Evelyn - we went and had something to eat in the huge dining area and were entertained by various groups of young teens being teenager-ish in full costume!
Patti finally managed to get there by about 2.00pm - I had told her to use the train rather than try and park as it was easy and cheaper - and she had made it. Having had a bit of a clean up after rushing over, we went to go and see James at his table so Patti could say ‘hi’ to him as she wasn’t up for an autograph. He wasn’t busy, there was nobody in line, so she was able to go straight up and talk with him - I hung back a bit and took some photos whilst she was telling him about her troubles getting there and they talked for a bit, and then James turned to me, held out his hand (which I had to shake sort of backwards with my left as I was holding the camera in my right) and asked me “So what kind of car do you drive Rosie?”
Well that was a bit of a surprise, so I told him he probably wouldn’t know it - it’s a Vauxhall Corsa - and he didn’t, but asked if it was a little car as he liked driving little cars. I told him it was, it’s a 1.2 litre engine, not like here (US) where everything seems to start at 2 litres - but that’s normal in the UK as gas is so expensive. James agreed “Yeah and they sell it to you in a Dixie cup!” (I had heard the expression before but Patti had to explain it to me properly later on!) We talked about gas prices - I said I thought we paid more per litre than they did per gallon and James agreed we did, but thought that if gas was more expensive, people might take the bus! I told him about the brilliant light train we were using to get to the con and how good it was for price and convenience and then we were talking about the excellent public transport in Bonn, how they have trains and buses and trams and it all links up (James said the Germans seem to be a bit embarrassed by Bonn as its not one of their best cities) and then he joked about German efficiency and how good they are. I agreed with him that we tend to say that it’s always great, but the German’s don’t! I told him about Katrin and how she was always saying “Typical German technology!” in disparaging tones when things didn’t work properly, which made him laugh and we agreed that one was allowed to belittle ones own country’s achievements!
It was time to move on again, so we shook hands and Patti did too and off we went to my favourite bit of wall again to have a bit of a squee! (and for me to write my notes up on it as quickly as possible!)
James had his first photo ops at 3pm, so I had to go and join the queue (which was run down the middle of the aisle between vendors and so you had to stay in line and not spill over into people’s way - difficult as it really wasn’t wide enough - especially when people had kids and buggies!) The line moved fast, and before I knew it - there I was, next up for my photos. It was such a tiny booth that James was standing only a couple of steps away from where we entered. He went to shake hands and then kind of realised who it was, saying “Hey Rosie!” and hugged me instead - which I returned of course! Lovely to be able to have a hug this time after none at all at FedCon - and it was a lovely soft grey t shirt and very lovely, firm James underneath it!
First photo I just let him lead and went for the normal standard arms-round pose - which was still lovely.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/wrigglerosie/4663818808/in/set-72157624065066379/ Then James wanted to go behind me, but I protested and said “no - I can’t do that one anymore - it just shows off my big fat chin!” He grinned and said he would go in front instead, and then stood with his legs apart so he’s a bit lower down. As he had his arms folded, I just put my hands on each of his shoulders and leaned my chin (hiding the fat bits!) on his right shoulder. It’s a great picture - one of my favourites as James is doing his sexy smouldering smirk from under his eyebrows and my smile is a natural one rather than my rictus grin that sometimes occurs when I’m having to hold it for too long!
http://www.flickr.com/photos/wrigglerosie/4663196019/in/set-72157624065066379/ Third picture, I was again caught without a plan so James swapped sides with me, put his arm round my shoulder and said “ We’ll look at that strange person over there!” indicating towards the booth exit slightly to our right and he was talking about Patricia! (Steve was also standing there and hoped out loud that it wasn’t him!) She grinned and then went into an over-the-top pose at us with her hand behind her head, which completely cracked me up laughing just as Froggy took the picture. I had no idea what James was doing until I saw the finished result…
http://www.flickr.com/photos/wrigglerosie/4663196473/in/set-72157624065066379/ That was my three for the day - James hugged me to him with the one arm that was round my shoulder and as I turned to say thank you he caught both my hands in his and hung on and squeezed as I moved away. Lovely! I laughed and said thank you to Patricia too as I went past her on the way out!
Im drawing a bit of a blank on the non-Jamesy bits of this con, but think we split up for a bit at this point. I know we managed to meet up with Kim at some point too and arranged to meet up for dinner. I do remember that when we made our way back over to James’s table to check out the coffee session lists again (still not much action on them - only a couple of names on each) we were there when James turned up again! He didn’t sit down, he and Steve were collecting things to leave for the day (for that read Steve was collecting things up…), so Patti was asking him about the Dresden audio books and was he going to be reading the short stories which are coming out later in the year? Steve said he was aware of them but James hadn’t been asked to read them yet (obviously since then, he has been booked to read them. Yay!)
We met up with Jean and Terry who said that Kim could put her suitcase in their room at the Hyatt whilst we went out to dinner ( she was being picked up by her cousin later that she was staying with) So we all walked over to the Hyatt (and accidentally got muddled up with the zombie parade…!) and checked out the lobby and where the concert was going to be the next night whilst the various rooms and dropping stuff off took place.
We tried to find a Italian place to eat via Patti’s phone internet, but the only one appeared to be closed again so we ended up in the Hard Rock just round the corner from the convention centre which was fun as I’d not been in one before - great fun playing spot who owned the various guitars and all the rock memorabilia! Having made sure Kim was picked up by her cousin safely, we all split up and Patti and I made our way back to the hotel on the train, and were able to spend the rest of the evening catching up with each other before starting to get organised for the following day.