What's this section? This is basically a 'get to know you' type of thing. The only reason we are doing this is to keep people from godmodding, and to keep track of you guys, and for you to get to know the other RPers!
- Please use the given form for this.
- There is no age limit to be yourself in this part.
- Please, if you have more than one comment, make a thread and reply to yourself.
- To apply for a KH/FF character you must play yourself as well FIRST, and be semi-active.
Note: This is only for newcomers. Players from
worldrefugees2 do not need to do this.
About youName: [Your personal LJ, and what you would like to be called]
Age:Handle for AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ, though AIM is advised, heavily: This is optional.
Email: optional
Previous RPs, and the character that you played: optional
Character you are playing in this RP, if applicable: Appearance: [What you look like!] optional
Personality: [A brief summary of who you are, what you like, etc, is very much welcome here, mainly because we'd all like to get to know each other. This does not have to be long, just a little bit to get to know you. :)] optional, though advised.
Family: [Please list any family/pets that have survived and are with you]
Abilities, prior experience, weapons, etc. [This is the most important part. If the mod/mods feel you are close to godmodding, or too powerful, or anything similar, we will contact you in private somehow and ask you to change what we feel is off. We will, however, work with you. NOTE: If you were not in World Refugees 1, you do not have any powers. Those were member/event based last time. This is to make sure that people again, don't godmod.]
Not required, but if you'd like, provide a first and third person sample of your writing.
Any Questions? [Please direct any questions that are not about this application to the questions post, so that others might see and have their question answered as well, if they have the same one.]
Starting a new journey may not be so hard...
Adapted from