If you are involved in a D-Link in any way, this post is for you. It will mostly serve as a list of existing D-Links - it is not here to list the people that own Wayfinders. You keep track of that yourself, but if you form a D-Link with someone already listed, this is where you go to see what it will do for you. D-Links can't be used without a Wayfinder, though. To get one, you can either make or buy the Wayfinder itself. For the enchantment, you will have to go to Aqua, Merlin, or Yen Sid and get their permission for it.
If you form a D-Link with someone owning a Wayfinder, it will be your job to fill out this information.
D-Links start out relatively weak at Level 0. It has no abilities just yet, only a few Battle Commands and a Finisher, which differ according to the person linked. We suggest you start with at least three or four Commands. Please explain what each Command does, if necessary (read: not covered in the games), and note that they are not required to be offense or magical in nature. Same goes for the Finisher. The KH Wiki has a list of
Battle Commands, for those of you that need it.
After using the D-Link long enough (we'll count this as three uses), it will go to Level 1, and you will achieve an Ability and a few more Battle Commands.* Abilities are not active skills, as opposed to Battle Commands. They are supportive, automatically take effect once a Level 1 or 2 D-Link is activated, and remain until the D-Link is deactivated. Like Battle Commands, they can be of any nature: magical, attack, protective/health-related, etc. If you need or want a reference for Abilities, take a look at the KH Wiki's
Dimension Link article. There can be from one-three Battle Commands added with the power-up, and if magic is involved, higher level spells will replace any lower ones. The Finisher will remain the same.
Five more uses, and the D-Link will reach Level 2, the final stage. A few Battle Commands are added to your repertoire - these are treated much the same way as the level-up from 0 to 1 is. This also means you get a new Ability, and Finisher. This Finish command will be a powerful demonstration of the linked person's abilities, which may include the abilities of a Summoned partner, if they have one, and are likely to be an exclusive command.
Also, for organization's sake, please put the name in the subject line of your comment.
Name: Level 0Battle CommandsOne
FinisherName of Finisher: explanation
Level 1 Ability/SkillSkill Name: explanation
Battle CommandsOne
FinisherName of Finisher
Level 2 Ability/SkillSkill Name: explanation
Battle CommandsOne
FinisherName of Finisher: explanation