Now for things you really don't care about: Ragnarok Online
Butch and I switched servers to Sakray, the test server a little over a month ago. This means basically we threw away and abandoned 6 months of work up to that point, but I'm glad we did it now. Why would we abandon so much to start from scratch with no money, no cool characters, no stuff, and no friends? Well, the server we were on, Chaos, was the most popular==crowded, so there was a lot of competition for places to level, and even then they were so full of people that you had to waste time dealing dodging asshats just to find like one freaking raydric or some shit.
But as a free bonus for moving to Sakray we got: double drop rates and double exp rate! Yes, Sakray, the server we moved to, is a legitimate server, but it's the test server, so they kick it up a notch so to speak. By that virtue in less than a month's time we had gotten characters up to levels rivalling our old characters, and equipment even surpassing our old stuff. How did we manage such a feat of rapid growth? Simple: we knew what we were doing, and we had a plan when we started.
Our plan was basically broken down into three phases:
1. Get a cool character
2. Get cool stuff
3. Be awesome
If you don't care about RO, and you're still reading, you are hereby exempt from reading the following.
Specifially, the first step in our plan involved getting over the hump of having worthless trash novices who can't do anything. Since Butch and I play together all the time, we have the advantage of planning our characters together. Specifically, he plays support and I beat on stuff. I know from experience the best class to play if you have no items is a thief, because they get a bonus to dodge hits, so you don't really need any good equipment to be able to fight tough stuff, unlike classes that rely on lots of heavy and heavily upgraded armor.
Once we got to a certain level, levelling up the "normal" way of killing enemies we are cool enough to fight normally, Butch's character was able to go to the mecca of power levelling, Amatsu dungeon. We were previously not cool enough to complete a quest you need to do in order to get into the dungeon, but once we did, it took but a day or two of solid levelling to get to Priest, and by that, we had completed phase one, cool characters. See, once you have a priest you can tank up any class you want with no effort, and so we were able to make a character we certainly couldn't have levelled up by their own merits: a pure int swordsman.
Phase two began by making Carrot Cake, who is still my best character on Sakray, so she could be a GC sader. GC is awesome if you can pull of making the character and have permanent support. With little investment in equipment and just going straight int (pretty much), I was able to make a character who could blast the shit out of much tougher monsters than we should normally be able to fight, and so we were able to level even more after that very quickly. But more importantly, while levelling there, in Chiv2, we got items like crazy; nice expensive items, the kind you can't find with worthless crap characters. Unrelated side note, we also spent a lot of time making OBBs by stealing cyfar off kitties on my thief (now a dagger sin).
We also managed to leech up a blacksmith the whole time Carrot levelled, getting ourselves a pure forger to 81/50. He's been critical in our plan of getting cool stuff because he can a). forge stuff and more importantly b). overupgrade stuff at a better rate. Oh yeah, he can also c). vend stuff we have for lots of moneys.
So by doing this, opening OBBs and getting tons of Elu, we were able to get like all +7 gear and reach level 80+, signalling the end of phase 2.
Next step I'm making a monk. I've married Butch's priest, and it will be the character I plan on making into my "ultimate" character. This is my third monk, and I really like playing them.
OK so if you made it to the end of that, let me just ask you: what the hell is wrong with you? That was probably the most worthless journal entry ever. Your special prize for sitting through that can be redeemed