Francisco will be seven months old on the 10th of June. He is closer to being a one year old than being in my womb. It's all true, they grow too fast. What's happening now? Lots of stuff in the last few weeks. Sitting up. Mamama's and bababa's. Sprouting two teefs on the bottom shelf. Severe dairy allergy, which means severe dairy restrictions for mom. Eatin' carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, apples, avocados, bananas and sich. Severe constipation, I think due to the special formula we have to have him on because of the dairy allergy (I can't pump enough to be sufficient while I'm at work). We're adding prunes and juices and eliminating the grains for now in hopes that this will help keep things moving. My poor child. If anyone can empathize with this, it's ME.
Work is going about as expected. I'm working more than I really want to, and as predicted, I feel too drained by the time I get home to interact with him in any meaningful way, but there's no time for that anyway, because he gets grumpy to the point of no return by 6:30 or 7. While I'm supposed to get out at work at 4, it's more often between 5 and 6, so by the time I drive to get him and bring him home, that doesn't leave a lot of time for mothering. I feel like I already don't know him as well as I did when I was home, and it makes me really sad.
I enjoyed an entire day of just being me on Saturday when I went to the Fringe Festival with Matt and Michael. We hung out all day in Orlando, saw a stand up comedian show plus Gabby's show and ate at the Cheesecake Factory and drank beer and wine. I guess it probably sounds counterintuitive to complain about my job infringing on my time with my son and then go off and spend a whole day out of town with my friends, but damn, a girl needs to remember who she was once in a while. That day was so, so fun for me.
Ok then, before I go to bed (and I desperately need to do that right now), I will post another round of photos. I think most of these have already hit the Facebook, but they's going up in here, too. Mostly firsts. I may have considered using a cut if anyone still read their friendspage, but as it stands, I can't be bothered to look up how to make one (I know it's not complicated, but I can never remember and I am internet ruhtard). BESIDES. The cuteness of my child defies concealment.
First Easter:
First visit to the Easter Bunny in the hilarious sailor suit that my mother insisted is a baby requirement:
First trip to the beach:
First time really taking in any solids (we'd tried cereal a few times before, but that upset him deeply):
Me and my babeh. There are, like, no pictures of us together. Please take one next time you see us. I'm already sad about how few of us there are together from when he was really tiny:
Taken the week he first really started sitting up by himself:
First time sitting up like a big man in a high chair at a restaurant:
First stab at the sippy cup. Not a lot a sippin' going on, but a whole lotta chewin' and gettin' angry if you did anything that resembled a threat of taking the cup away:
Relaxing after a bath in a sweet alligator bath robe at Gran and Grandmother's:
Blue jean diapers, betch:
A fun face:
Teefs approach:
WHAT, that baby used to be SA-MALL: