Saturday was the
cultural festival at Tanoura JHS. Even though I linked the wikipedia article on Japanese cultural festivals, the ones at my schools are almost completely different. There are no cafes or restaurants, and the only club that does anything is the band (which only one of my middle schools has). The festivals at my schools are kind of like a medley of speeches, musical numbers and plays.
At Tanoura, the third years' play was taken from a drama on TV. At the end of the play, they sang the song that is played at the end of the drama. The thing is, Satsuki, the one in charge of the play, came to me a few weeks ago and asked if I could translate the ending song into English and keep both the melody and the lyrics as they were in the Japanese version. Luckily, the song's lyrics weren't too difficult, so I was able to translate half of it. They memorized my translation and actually sang it in English at the end of their play!