Title: "Sarah" (Retrograde Chapter 25)
Author: Guardian_Erin
Fandom: Btvs/Ats
Pairing: Galen(Spike)/Buffy
Rating: R overall and especially this chapter
Warnings: Violence, crude language, self-injury, character death, adult situations, blood, torture
Disclaimer: Do not own, not a doctor, just a girl with too much time on her hands
Summary: Buffy manages to get Willow to assist her in healing Galen's injuries. At the same time, a woman from his past stumbles across him and tries to claim him.
Teaser: "I found it," Willow said, her eyes still closed. A small smile lit up her face. "It's like a little pulse, or something. A little place… and he's there. He's in there," she opened her eyes and leaned forward to run her hand over Galen's forehead. "Hey, sweetheart."
"You have a highly disturbed imagination. I love it!!" - Julienne from FF.net
"Holy mother of buddha. What the eff? " - Lena7623
"*shrieks* I pray Buffy will kick some witch ass, be it in noncorporeal form or not, or that Vampy Spike gets back to business, somehow.." - Miravisu
Start at the BeginningRead Chapter 25