Title: Stuck in the Light of Day
Author: Guardian Erin
Rating: G
Fandom: After the Fall
Characters: Spike/Illyria
Disclaimer: Do not own
Summary: The sun never rises in their world.
The night was a realm for creatures of the night. In places like Sunnydale, the sun setting acted like a flip in the population. Unlike many places in the world, Sunnydale had just as many if not more demons than humans that all came out once the sun was gone. While the humans swarmed in the light of day, demons prowled the streets at night, and humans learned to stay where it was safer.
Things were simpler then. Spike missed the days when the sun would actually set. Now there was just an endlessly red sky, with the rare exception when the clouds thickened with pollution or some odd, passing storm. The upside was that it didn't burn vampires. That was also a downside of course. And the sun and moon simultaneously stuck in the sky did all sorts of things to creatures like werewolves. Humans were left with no advantage, virtually helpless against all of the demon gangs that now ran the streets. All they had was Spike, and he took in multitudes of the lost souls.
The hellish environment itself also did a number on the powerful demons like Illyria. The girl was permanently tripping out on surges of emotions that would rival Dawn on her worst day of menstruating, which had been bad enough. Not to mention that keeping an indestructible god with the attention span of a five year old entertained was hard to do.
But it was much worse when Illyria wasn't feeling so high and mighty. He hated it when Illyria broke down and changed into Fred again, which was every time she was moved by the right image or word. He could never tell what would strike her new sensitivity, but knew the only things that could bring her back were extreme violence, and he always tried to indulge her in that. Things didn't always pan out, and he would find himself faced with the painful reminder of a girl that he and Angel had to let die. They chose to let her die, just so a few million people wouldn't die horribly instead. Sometimes he wished he would have just chosen against it anyway. After watching so many of his humans get slaughtered or eaten alive, it seemed enticing to believe that sacrificing a few million would have stopped this hell from coming to be. But he knew it was false.
Trouble was, in this world, even gods weren't as high and mighty as they ought to be. Lesser demons found the upper hand. Horrible alliances were being drawn against what little good there was left in Los Angeles. There was no place safe, no sunrise to drive out all of the nightmares of the world. Children wandered the streets, and even adults seemed as children in these horrible lands. The only hope was that a hero could rise up out of the ashes and save the day. Spike had no idea what kind of idiot planned on doing that.