Title: Sharing Beds
Author: Guardian Erin
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Ghost Hunters
Pairing: Jason/Grant
Warnings: Real Person Fic, some slashy themes
Disclaimer: I do not claim to own anything, and I don't know the boys (trust me, this makes me very sad). This does not represent any real-life people, this only represents me and my imagination. Fictional!
Summary: When Grant's room is too frightening, he takes safety in numbers.
A/N: I am tired, and as a result you get more bed-time fic.
The sound of rustling woke Grant from his light sleep. At first the room was dark, unfamiliar, but as he came around to wakefulness, he remembered where he was. It was an overnight case in Connecticut, and the team was staying at an inn that, according to a lot of town gossip and belief, was haunted. Each member had separated into separate rooms, like in the Stanley Hotel, but this case was different somehow. As Grant laid awake he realized exactly what had woken him up. A lamp that had been sitting on a table across the room was now laying on the floor. Usually he was excited by phenomena, but this time all he felt was a very uneasy feeling, as if he were being watched.
Grant slid out of bed, the cool air chilling his bare legs and arms and making him shiver. He flipped on a light, and then noticed that the bulb of the lamp had broken into pieces. His first instinct was to investigate, but a stronger instinct was telling him to leave it alone. He gathered enough courage to calmly rearrange the camera in the room and then left his room with a flashlight, turning off the light and shutting the door as he left.
The feeling of being watched was even stronger, but as he left the area it subsided somewhat. Grant quickly made his way to Jason's room and was relieved to find the door unlocked. He entered the room quietly, careful not shine the flashlight near Jason's eyes. The other man was still sleeping but began to wake up when he heard Grant and saw the light in his room.
"What are doing?" Jason asked, his voice groggy and revealing his agitation to be woken. He turned over, and was surprised to find Grant in his room in his shorts and t-shirt. "What happened?"
"My lamp, on a table across the room, fell over," Grant told him. Jason made a sound of fascination, but was still too tired to fully register what was being said. "I'm not sure what knocked it over, but…."
"Did you see it happen?" Jason asked.
"No, but I heard it," Grant replied.
"You want me to go look?"
"In all honesty, I don't think I want to go back into that room," Grant replied. "Not until morning, anyway. There's something heavy in that room, and I just don't like it."
"Well, you know the whole reason why we took separate rooms was to cover our bases," Jason said, sitting up slightly. "So if there's activity, someone should be in there."
"I'm not going back in," Grant said. "That place gives me that heebie-jeebies like you wouldn't believe. When in doubt, dude, get the hell out."
"You want to swap rooms, then?" Jason asked, wiping his face. "Because this room feels pretty mellow to me."
"No," Grant shook his head. "I left the camera in the room, and moved it more towards the activity. Hopefully we'll find something on the tape in the morning."
"Mm. We can have Steve and Tango go over it with a fine-tooth comb, twice if we have to," Jason suggested, amused by his authority over the two.
"Mind if I just hop in with you, then?" Grant asked anxiously. "I'm beat, man."
"Get in," Jason groaned, resting his head against his pillow and moving over some. Grant shut off his flashlight and pulled back the covers enough to slide under them. The bed was already warm from Jason's body heat, and the proximity to Jason made it even hotter. The inn was too cold, so it felt great to burrow down in the bed and have the thick blankets around him.
"Aw, man," Grant sighed. He chuckled softly, partially from his exhaustion. "I feel better now, Jay. I can't believe you're so calm here."
"I ain't afraid o' no ghost," Jason joked lightly, pressing closer to warm Grant up.
"But they must be afraid of you, or something," Grant commented, almost laughing. "They definitely aren't messing with you."
"And they aren't messing with you tonight," Jason swore. "Now get some shut-eye, or you'll be dead on your feet tomorrow."
"Yes sir," Grant replied, more than willing to accept that command. It felt as though he would not be able to fall asleep, his mind still turning over what he had seen and felt in that room. However, his mind was also overcome with fatigue, and before he knew it, he was fast asleep in the security of Jason's bed.