I will admit, I'm very behind in all this, and I'm doing the most boring part, counting votes, right now. Right now. As in, I got so disgusted that I stopped counting votes to post this.
I found in several rude comments from several rude people, anonymous and former community members. This has never been a problem in the past and I'm shocked that it happened. Because of this, membership is now moderated, so that these individuals do not get back in without going through me first. Also, you must now be a member to comment. I can't for the life of me understand why I didn't have the latter in place from the start.
However, comments are still unmoderated for two reasons. Reason one: I trust all of you, for the level of participation that takes place and for being so patient with me. And reason two: this is a community fueled by member comments. I don't want to hold things up if I'm absent from the internet for too long.
So, this is where you guys come in:
If you see any behavior that is in any way offensive to you, please notify me on
my journal or by e-mail (xlafillemortex@yahoo.com), and I'll assess the situation.
You cannot comment anonymously on my journal, so if you e-mail me, I'll keep your complaint confidential.
As it states in the rules, people who bash or insult will get one warning, and banned after the second offense. You can also excuse yourself from the community after your first offense, I don't think anyone will mind.
I will not be a total Nazi about this because I don't want to put a damper on anyone's fun. I can tell when something is in jest, and I know that some people make posts and comments that just plain deserve assholish comments back. Just don't let things get out of control.
If someone is on your post making comments that are hurtful to you, or bashing your vote, I would like to be notified at the very least, so that things don't get out of hand. We do get many posts, usually all at once, and many comments, and I can't be everywhere. I need help. This community is already very self-moderated and I'd like for it to remain that way. I appreciate all the help I already get.
Finally, I would apologize to anyone who had this happen on their post. I'm sorry that I wasn't around to nip these problems in the bud and I'm going to do what I can to prevent this in the future.