YOU know im wearing my K-swiss today i decided...last day of school im wearing short shorts under a NIKE jogging outfit, the one u can rip pants off. getting a neck tie and Bill Clinton mask then I'm going to the middle of the lunch room have Nick Cook drop the beat on the stereo and do the Ultimate party boy in the middle of a crowd of 1000 frosh's and sophs and were gonna record it. This moment will go down in not only froshmen, but strip dancing history. What would you think if a white boy in short shorts no shirt with a six pack jumping around giving random girls lap dances to the music of party boy while dodging school rescource officers, ask one of the 1,000 people that witness my dancing skills for an example of how i get down watch the first part of this second chapter of an independent film me and friends are making and that IS HOW I GET DOWN....TALKING BOUT THE CARWASH BABY