Nov 06, 2011 01:58
So much has happened in the past few days. Well more than that really; since my last true journal-ing entry. Lauren and I went to a Halloween party at her boss' house. I got best costume, which is pretty cool cuz I defiantly thought other people's were more bad ass than mine. That was fun. It was nice to be in an accepting environment. (her boss is half of an older lesbian couple) We were ourselves for the most part. She was a little uneasy since there were people from work there she hasn't (or hadn't at the time) come out to yet. Totally understandable. But we ended up being the last guests to leave; we stayed the night. lol What else has happened....we made a deposit on the apartment we wanted so that's pretty awesome. We are however, still waiting on the call to let us know our move in date. We are nowhere near packed. My dad responded to the list I sent him saying it's too long and has too many large items on it so why don't i just come up there and rent a u-haul. thanks dad that's really seeing what you can do. Lauren only has about a 7 hour drive to her parents house so she went there to sort through her stuff. Her dad and older brother both have trucks so they are going to bring stuff over for us. That's really sweet of them especially considering: how my family is acting about our relationship and, how her family feels about us being together. Just to give you the gist we are sinners going to Hell. The difference though is that her family still acts like they love her (somewhat) whereas mine is not so subtle about their hatred. I got a letter from my grandmother today saying that god doesn't hear my prayers. Which is a bunch of bull shit. God isn't going to punish me for loving. Besides who are they to judge me. There are so many 'dirty secrets' in my family it's amazing we all aren't struck by lightning every time we say something along the lines of anything spiritual. People who use religion to back up their personal prejudices are hypocrites unless they verbatim follow every single thing their religion dictates. I'm going to use the bible as an example because its what i was raised on and what my family is using to justify their hate. The bible also says that there should be slaves and woman are property. We should sacrifice animals on alters and invite travelers into our homes. Men can have many wives and horde concubines. What they fail to pay attention to and this is the part that irks me is that we are to love one another as Christ loved us. Christ fucking died for us so shut the fuck up and get off your fucking high horse. None of us are any better than anyone else. It's just ridiculous. (sorry about my language for any of you sensitive readers) Alright I'm done with my rant for now. I feel a little better. Tomorrow I have to go back to work. I shouldn't say have to I should say get to. There are so many people who would love to have my job, heck 7 weeks ago I was one of them. It's not so bad, they're (the bosses) are giving me more and more responsibility because they want to move me up. Which is great but, if i'm going to get the responsibility I should get the clearance that goes with it. I shouldn't have to ask for manager override for everything. If you wanna see what I can do give me the chance to do it instead of pretending or going halfway. It's just annoying. Man this wasn't originally supposed to turn into a bitch session but I guess it did. I'm not normally a bitchy person. I guess I just had stuff built up that I needed to get off my chest. I hope you don't mind but I'd rather do it here than in someone's face. (especially if they didn't to anything) Other than work tomorrow will be busy because I'm going to be packing boxes and doing regular household cleaning like laundry and sweeping and making the bed. But that comes after laundry because I have to wash the bedding. Some of this will overlap into Monday as well because our landlords will be out of the house so i'll be able to move around the house freely without having to worry about running into them. And because I have to work tomorrow starting at 3. When your shift starts in the middle of the afternoon it really eats up your day. Speaking of eating your day don't forget to set your clocks back an hour. I think this is enough for now. I'll write more later. Hell I have to for ljidol. I have to come up with an entry for the topic of fossilized animal poop. This should be fun....until next time ~signing off~