May 21, 2013 22:47
I was reminded by the Universe today that I am not alone, and that it is ok to be gentle with myself, to relax. I'm glad I've been noticing the sunset, and the feel of soft bedsheets - opening my awareness to small Sweetnesses helps me recognize when the Universe has something to say.
A co worker's child - and babysitter - are sick, so she asked if I could cover her shift. I didn't hesitate to say yes, even though it means working a double on our busiest day of the week. It was the right thing to do, I felt that in my heart.
She called at the beginning of the shift I was sharing with another supervisor. Months ago I might have let an event like that ruin my mood for the day (days?), but I chose to be light of heart instead.
Later in the evening, as I was about to go, my coworker asked if I wanted to split the shift tomorrow - I protested, reminding her that she closes with me. She said, "I'm just doing inventory - you have to do the actual close!"
At a time when I've been feeling unappreciated and overworked, her innocuous statement meant the world to me! I felt validated (we do work hard!), supported (she is sharing the load), and.... Relieved. Though I had chosen not to make a big deal of the long day to anyone (including myself), I was concerned about finishing the night (tomorrow) in good humour because of tired and achey joints.
I am grateful for unexpected gifts, reminders that I am loved. Namaste.