
Dec 18, 2010 16:07

So far this has been a pretty mixed day. I mean... there's stuff, and then there's THE REPEAL OF DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL, OMFG! I watched the vote on CSPAN2 and lemme tell ya, that is some dry teevee watching right there. The gallery was reminded that expressions of approval or disapproval are "not in order" before the result was read out, which amused me. Also, the next item up was an amendment to the START treaty proposed by McCain; it took a second for the room to fully settle and his peevish "The Senate is not in order" sounded like he'd been sucking on lemons. HAH.

My allergies are giving me fits, as per normal for the week I have Donovan for holidays *grump* I don't know what does it, other than weather... or maybe it's my tendency to cram the dusting and vacuuming into the last couple days before I pick him up. :/ Probably it's that. One year, I'll have a bit of holiday with my kiddo that does not involve discarded tissues as far as the eye can see and mixing cups of Theraflu in my room after he's gone to bed.

Have some links:

Denise Vivaldo admits culpability for Sandra Lee's "Kwanzaa Cake" - *snorts laughing*

DO NOT FRY GNOCCHI - Volume warning near-ish the end, you'll know.

A lighthouse becomes an icehouse - I notice the cameraperson is disinclined to venture any close-up shots, and I do not blame them a bit. Brr!

Incredible Pics from ISS by NASA astronaut Wheelock - "Incredible" is putting it mildly. 29 bits of gorgeousness.

Bing Crosby and David Bowie duet - I can't believe I'd never seen this before!

Cats playing pattycake - I can't even... *giggles*

ETA: In what wretched hellscape does blowing my nose give me hiccups?? Urg.


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