Other people's pictures, though, naturally.
Snowmageddon in Baltimore. The thing about snow... it sure is PRETTY. Also destructive, dangerous, and a royal pain if you have to get out in it and/or dig yourself out and I am firmly On Record as not dealing well with cold but... oooooh pretty. The graveyard! Mechanic Theater! Icicles on streetlights! (You still couldn't pay me enough to live anywhere that happens on a regular basis.)
Aurora borealis in Norway. Speaking of pretty... and everywhere I could see that in person is also COLD, but mmmm.
Sarah Palin speaking at the Tea Party Convention. Yes, she really did write crib notes on her hand, and check them during Q&A. Try not to think about the rumors she wants to run in 2012... go look at the aurora pics again instead. Yes. Soothing, aren't they?