Yes, I have finished One More Story for 2009!
Title: The Lamp is Burning Low
Fandom: RV
Rating: Adult
Words: ~2500
Characters: Howie/Joe Joe
Summary: Joe Joe hates travelling in icy weather, Howie indulges him.
Disclaimer: Nobody here is mine. Dammit.
Author's Note: Thanks to
tsuki_no_bara, who indulges ME :)
The Lamp is Burning Low Now... you may notice a certain trend in my longer (i.e., non-comment-fic) stories this year, namely Matthew Gray Gubler. Those of you who recall The Year I Tried To Slash Every Jared Padalecki Character will not be surprised by this :D I don't expect many people remember the movie (or if they do, it's unlikely they remember Howie and Joe Joe's ten-minute appearance in it), but here is a story about them anyway.
And though I have not posted everything I wrote, I did complete the
mini_nanowrimo and
wrisomifu challenges and meet my 35,000 goal for
findyourwords \o/
I feel... better about things, writing-wise, and not just in terms of word count. Last year when I did Mini-Nano I spent most of the month writing in pointless circles and when I continued writing daily through December, I produced a couple of comment-fics but mostly what came was bits and bobs that didn't go anywhere. And you know what? That's okay. Because writing exercises are called exercise for a reason, yes?
Anyway. Eventually I started upping my weights- err, writing longer things, though I've developed a perplexing habit of winding up with stories that just keep going but spin off smaller ones that I can edit up and post as stand-alones. Like this one. Yes, that means I'm partway through a much longer Howie and Joe Joe story, and *counts* two Nico stories with a possible third tapping at me; that's where the bulk of my non-posted wordcount is hiding. Like an iceberg.
There's other stuff under there, too, I haven't fled the non-obscure fandoms entirely *giggles* I wish I'd finished more Criminal Minds fic this year, among others, but that's just not how it's worked out. *hands* Maybe that'll change in 2010, maybe not, but for now I'm content to follow where my (probably ADHD) muse leads.
The one hard lesson I've learned this year is that calling for prompts is a recipe for disappointment (yours) and guilt (mine) :( I'm apparently just not built that way, or rather, at the moment I am unable to detangle my neuroses from my writing enough to shut off the WHAT IF THEY DON'T LIKE IT voice and get anything done. I may get past this in the future, we'll see.