Democrats, that is. Right here in my fair state.
gentleman running for comptroller can't tell the difference between
romance novels and porn, and Making Light has a breakdown on the whole
I... fuck.
comment I've seen and pretty much my thoughts exactly on current Texas
politics, full stop.
As an artist, a mother, and a citizen of Texas, I'm seriously
struggling. The choices set before us in the upcoming election are an
abysmally sad comment on the state of our state. Seems like every race
features the loser who will lose and the loser who will end up in
I was going to go straight-ticket for the first time in my life, but I
think I've changed my mind. I'm checking into the sample ballots and I
suspect there are a number of races -- including this one -- that I'm
just leaving blank :P
(Don't get me started on Kinky. I actually... uh... *supreme geek
moment* took notes during the gubernatorial debate, would anyone be
interested if I posted them? Not hugely coherent, but there were some
interesting... Moments.)