Online music holdouts give in to iTunes This, by the way, is what did it (emphasis mine):
Since record companies have realized the popularity of iTunes and other sites, many reworked contracts to give artists less money per download. Andrews said while record companies once offered artists about 30 cents for each song sold, now musicians are earning less than a dime.
Dear record companies:
THIS IS WHY WE HATE YOU. You upped your cut of online sales not because of any special effort on your part, but JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN.
You motherfucking assholes. Give the artists -- you know, the people who actually CREATE WHAT YOU SELL -- their twenty cents back before I come over there and kick all your asses.
*pants* No, this isn't the only thing I read that made me frothing mad today, not by a long shot. It's just easier to shake my fist at record companies than at intransigent land wars and incompetent fearmongering governments.