Evilest evil that ever evilled...

Mar 19, 2006 20:41

So, I run across this ad banner and it is an order of magnitude more evil than punching a stupid monkey or IDing Jessica Simpson's legs. The banner text reads "THE FART BUTTON: Press it. You know you want to."


*reaches for mouse* *pulls away* *reaches for mouse* *pulls away...*


In other news, we meant to take Donovan to the zoo this weekend, but as it was forecast to rain buckets we demurred in favor of the Dallas World Aquarium, which was about fifty kinds of neato. Unfortunately... those buckets of rain? Hahahah, guess who didn't bother getting the umbrella out of her backpack before we left... that'd be me, yes. So soaked. Greg got it worst of all, naturally, 'cause he tossed his jacket over Donovan's head on the way in and then brought the car up to the door for us on the way out.

Donovan seemed impressed, if not so keen on all the freakin' people. Takes after his mommy on that count *pats his wee head* He grooved on the shark-watching tunnel, and had a fish following his finger back and forth for a while, but really the big hit as far as he's concerned are the touch-screens next to the exhibits. Yeah, I'm raising a geek :D He's also not shy about announcing "DONE LOOKING AT THAT" and moving the heck on. We saw... well, a lot of fish :D A good number of birds, the jaguar, didn't spot the otter but there were monkeys. Yay, monkeys!

life_babble, donovan

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