Jan 14, 2006 18:02
I am Pondering, a whole lot, and running numbers and whatnot and damn the price of gas, even with my fuel-sipping car driving Dallas to Atlanta would only save me $100 under the current plane fare :P Well, also, twelve hours on the road. Not so big a deal on the way out, recipe for cracking up my car to try it on the way back after three days of no damn sleep :D I know my limits, people. Most of the time.
I know some folks are going but I think everyone has roomies already? Err. Regardless, I can't put money into planes or rooms until March and that may be a deal-killer right there. But I really kinda wanna, even though I was never hugely into the actual fandoms for Buffy, Angel, or even FireFly but I know how fannish bleed happens and everybody's got a New Shiny Thing by now, so that's cool.
Man, fancons. It's been so long. I used to wist big time when everyone took off for Escapade, but that's not gonna happen until I change jobs, or unless the con suddenly isn't smack in our busy season :D VividCon... oh, I wanna, but it'll have sold out before I can commit funds and also, still not a vidder. Maybe next year.
And I've still got my fingers crossed that Slumber Party '06 might happen somewhere in the middle states :D (J-squared icon because they are Texan, dammit!)