(no subject)

May 18, 2007 08:51

Yeah. So, I'm not allowed to watch zombie movies ever again. No really. I can't seem to keep my shit together anymore since going through that "stress dreams manifesting themselves as zombies" phase.

Last night the fag and I went on a romp to dinner and the movies. We started at panera bread. I really don't get why people are all OMG PANERA IS TEH AWESOME, cause it sucks. After that we headed to the movies and saw 28 weeks later. It didn't bother me in the movie theatre, or leaving the movie theatre, or hanging out in a dark bus station with my fag (although, that brought a whole new distraction) But as I was getting off the bus, it started to hit. I have to walk through a biiiiiiiiig, empty, and mostly dark parking lot to get to my house. NOT FUCKING FUN.

I could have sworn I heard someone following me, but of course, when I turned around no one was there. Talk about heart attack inducer.

I woke up three times throughout the course of the night. 2:20, 3:20, stayed up for like and hour and watched shin-chan, which totally calmed me down. Then I was woken at 7:11 am by my bird. What a bitch. So here I am now, just reeling from the horrible night. Guh.

Anyway, last night at the transit center, brad and I were walking to our bus stop when we run into one of his friends. We're just hanging out and talking when this scrawy, white, probably meth head dude, gets all up in our faces "ANYONE GOT A CIGARETTE" No. None of us smoke. Sorry. It was odd and the guy was totally lame and we were laughing. Then brad throws one of our inside jokes out, and we're on the ground cracking up. Meth head decides to get involved again.

"you laughing at me?"

Brad replies "No shit Sherlock."

Then things just get really nasty. Meth head starts making some really lame gay cracks and some other guys join in like they are going to start shit.

"That's a women, they're women."
"what do they look like"
"he looks like a douche"

Of course, I AM a woman, so I'm not really offended by that. Neither are Brad and Greg either. But it was hateful and ignorant, and these guys were more than ready to get violent.

So we break up our little gab session and Greg heads off, and Brad and I get going to our bus stop. On the way, I talk to the night guard to make her aware that there were some guys that might be a threat to our safety, and go to sit and wait for the bus. We're just hanging out, cracking up at eachother like we usually do, when members of the group start walking by the bus stop and shouting cryptic messages at us. I'm like "o shi-" when all of a sudden the guy who started the bullshit and three other people run off. Then the meth head shows up again.


He backs up and starts to walk away when a moment later a horde of black kids chase after him and the rest of his dumbass friends, into a dark parking lot near the bus stop. Yeah. they got their asses kicked. Like ten minutes later there were like 5 cop cars, and Brad and I were on the ground in hysterics.

Crazy lady moment: Zar says I need to make it my life's work to chronicle crazy ladies in my LJ, so here's a new one.

This lady was on the 150 to Seattle. She looks normal, no crazy piles of bags, or sticks with inflated rubber gloves on them, but, trust me she's a nutter. She sat on the bus the whole time with a pair of little clippers, clipping her split ends. On the bus. A) that's gross. B) someone might collect those clippings and hex you. NOT SMART LADY.
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