(no subject)

Jan 31, 2005 09:09

well... nothing new. i went to 24 hour fitnis yesterday to get soem information on sighning up and im going inm to day to do so. i need to excersise more often. so im goign to go in 3 times a week after work and force my self to do something productive excersise wyse. scarry thought aint it. im still tryingto get a truck. im going to go to some loan place by home depot and see wat they say. im shooting for like a 25,000 lown. thus way i can by the truck as cheeply as possable and thne put what is left in to the bank after i get it registerd and insured and the tank filled. im hoping to have about 2-3 thousand in the bank acount. but lets face reality who in there right mind will give a 19 year old that kind of money. ill be lukey if i get anny money at all. but i got to try cause drivign the mustang every day is eating up a shit load of my money well at lest the money i have. sio im hoping to get truck that is doing at least 15 mpg city wich i figure is better than what im gertign now and i will save money. that and ill have a more reliable set of wheels. so if i want to go to my grand mothers on my day off i jsut jump in da car and go. or where ever contents my little heart. well thats enough of this bull shit.

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