(no subject)

Jan 05, 2005 19:56

hey every one thsio was a nothert shitty day at jiffy lube. trina was a total bitch as usuls. she was duble checking all my work wich i dont apreaciate one fucking bit. i un like her do my fucking job. and i do it right. if i feal uncomfortable doing something i wont do it. i also had to go to my car and get my fucking tools just tio get a job done. what the fuck kind of bull shit is that. so tomarrow i have thew day off and im going to go job hunting. as soon as i get on the computer my mom starts in is that government or math horemwork?? what the fuck she acts as if i have no life and all i do is waste every fucking moment of my life doing home work. um fuck that shit. i mean i do need to get it done but she needs to get the fuck off my god damn case. i cant wate to get out of this fucking house. im doso sick of all this bull shiut. but what the fuck ever. im going to do something for my self tomarrow and im goiong to treat my self out to dinner just cause i want to. im going to go to the texas road house or some shit like that. its some sort of a stake hoiuse from texas. i have herd they got hells good food but well just have to waite and see. with anny luck ill get a job with that towtruck companie and start working soon. i was told starting pay was 12 and hour. wicjh will be great cause i need to get a diifrent car. some thing with better gasmilage but not importad. yall know how i work i dont drive that jap crap. espeshuly after the nisan truck i had. bigest pile of monkey fucking donkey shit i swear to you. well cause i aint got shit else to do im off to go lock my self in my room and look at car parts.

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