fuck this bull shit

Nov 01, 2004 15:48

ok i lie down to take a nap nand i don even fall asleep and i get bitched at about it being to late for a nap. what the fuck my mom who " woke me up" can cpoome home from scholl and sleep for an hour but i cant. then she bitches abpout me not hereing from jiffy lube. then whei i get aahold of them she fucking evsdrops on me!! and bitches because i request a saturday off because i have a prier plan with my grandfather. then she starts in with school. its like fuck off bitch its my god damn decision not yours. if i so chose to take a day off to go spend time with mygrandfather who is giving me a place to stay durrring college and a job then its my chose. she bitches about im more like a little boy than a young man like i should be but yet she keeps fucking babying me. if she starts in agin im goign to tell her im moving in with my grandfather to go to college and if she has a problem withit to damn bad. I have talked to several diffrent people and the all tell me its a good opurtonity. Even my dads birth mother who devorsed my grand father told me i should take him up on the offer. so no matter what she says im going to go. i cant stand living in the fucking house anny more and i cant stanfd the damn bay area. the only way i can live in this shit hole of a state is if i move up to oroville. so she needs to realise unless she will "let me " move out of this state i need to move to oroville. i can standd the bay area. she kkeeps telling me " there are no job opertunitys out side the bay area" Well that might be true for my father but its not true for me. no matter where i go there will be a need for well traind professinal aout mechaniks. fuck this life . ofk im out

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