Jun 15, 2009 16:53
It's been a rough afternoon at Chez Bernat. I was awake and ready to go when Danny woke up at 5:30. But not at 7:30 and barely so at 8:45 when I finally levered myself out of bed. Danny ate and napped nicely until after lunch. Then he started fussing and nothing was going to make this baby happy for long. Hungry? Half the time it's not what he wants. Burpy? Too worn out to burp. Wet? Yes, and again and again and again. I think he's just hot and overtired.
The funniest time was after one of the handles on the Snappi broke so the diaper wasn't fastened well. I had just changed him and left him lying on the table while I tied the wrap to put him in. I heard a squawk as my baby boy peed on his own head!
Finally I grabbed the pacifier and held it for him so he wouldn't spit it out. This kid has never taken a pacifier before; the only one we have is from the hospital. Most of the time he sucks on our fingers because his own are not satisfying. Well after 2 minutes of sucking the baby was out like a light. When I was ready to sit down I popped it back out to see if he'd wake up and nurse. Nope. Baby's asleep. Good. Maybe he'll wake up happy!