Loving Brian - a new drabble

Jun 05, 2007 06:38

Because last week was all kinds of stress ... I rescued myself by writing a new drabble (even a mini dose of BJ can cheer me up).

Have a good week everyone.

Loving Brian

Despite what people might think, loving Brian is easy. It’s being loved by Brian that can be tough.

In the beginning, the more his resistance to loving me was eroded, the more skittish he became, lashing out in panic and hurting me till finally we reached the Ethan disaster.

Now, the more he loves me, the more prone he is to push me away because I “deserve better”.

It’s such a crock. He’s the best thing that could ever happen to me. Always was. Always will be. Loving him is easy.

It’s dealing with Brian loving me that’s the challenge.
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