Christmas stories - update

Dec 27, 2005 22:46

I'm still working on the third. It took ages to reach any sort of form in my brain and when it did I wound up with three pages of notes! I'm working on it, and hope to have it up by New Year ( Read more... )

fic: christmas

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dreambee3 December 27 2005, 18:19:40 UTC
This was truly lovely Wren - sad that Brian has to cope with his son growing up in that environment, beautiful that he filled in the gaps to make Gus' christmas the wonder that a child deserves it to be, and generous that he then shared the day with his undeserving "family". Beautiful Brian/Justin teamwork and love and support throughout. Love Brian stories with Gus, and the love that just pours out of him for his son - and with Justin making up their little family, this was gorgeous. A true spirit of christmas story.

Absolutely loved that Brian chose ornaments that were appreciated by a child (perhaps the child in him too), rather than elegant ones that Justin thought he would want. Loved that Justin was baking christmas cookies that his mother had prepared for them, so Brian and Gus came back to the homey smell of baking. Lots of lovely touches throughout.

Mel, grrr, big-time grrr. How awful that she was defending her daughter's rights to a christmas that she was quite willing to deny Gus. Lindsay, grrr, for her weakness in not standing up for her son's happiness and fair treatment. Mikey, grrr, where does one start. and I did get sick of deb by the end of canon too. Glad their trees came tumbling down - how un-chrismassy of me. Love your icon btw.

Beautiful work. I started reading the scrooged stories with the thought of trying to find stories by two of the authors who I knew had contributed - one being you. Then I sort of gave up! I had too many stop-starts-and-fullstops at some of them... haven't put myself thought that sort of thing since I first found the fandom and had to sort out the good from the amazing (not). I might wait until 30th so that I can go straight to the quality authors and enjoy! Is that nasty of me? Enjoy Warney and Brett (he is so cute).


wren_kt7oz December 28 2005, 02:10:45 UTC
Thanks. I love Brian with Gus, too. Have since that first time he held him in 101.

Glad their trees came tumbling down - how un-chrismassy of me.

Me, too. *g* I should feel guilty, but the worst part is that I don't at all. lol.

The icon is by url_girl. (I hope that for once I remembered how to write that code so it will work properly.) She had some fabulous Christmas icons. And this one was just right.

I read most of the Scrooged stuff. Well, not the Justin and Mikey one, obviously. Eeeewwww.

But there were some very nice ones in there.

Fortunately, I really liked the one that was written for me. It's called "Unbroken Crust".

And I had a most excellent day at the cricket. Brett (and you're right, he is very cute) got two wickets and Warney got one, and along the way young Simons (or does he spell it with a 'y'?) got three. It was all good.

The only thing I like about summer.


dreambee3 December 28 2005, 20:11:19 UTC
Re my comment re scrooged, I must place apologies to the contributors - I went back and really read a few - in a manner different to my previous efforts during some busy days, when I was rushing and skipping and just wanting to get to the end - never ever a good way to appreciate writing. So, based on my shame in having been unfairly harsh, I actually started again, and I’ve already hit the jackpot with a couple that were really lovely - Home for Christmas, would it be yours by any chance, but I know you can’t say, I'll have to check it on the 30th - and The First Noel was lovely too.


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