Two quick things that I've come across multiple times in the last week (I'm back from my travels but have a cold/ flu thingy that has kept me pretty much out of action ever since I got back).
Illusive/ elusiveThe word you are looking for is nearly always "elusive", which means hard to find or achieve. "Illusive" means deceptive or illusory. It's
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I was watching the last episode again and am simply gob-smacked at how cleverly they "play" each other. The bath scene in Hell where David gives that sweet, flirty little smile that is pure Michael Sheen, and the way Michael slouches arrogantly all over the bench in a way that is pure DT. It's so clever. They're both so damned good. Not a single moment that isn't pure joy.
I love the book, as you know. Will always love the book. But the TV show in some ways is even better just because there's more of it. And certainly more of C & A.
Oh, well. Maybe Christmas 2020. Fingers crossed.
Oh, and did you see that Gale is hosting that new playwrights' thing in LA? I really wish they'd give more than a day or two's notice of these things. It's kind of hard to get to LA from Melbourne with only 24 hours notice. Given that it takes 14 hours to get there. Not to mention the cost of last minute flights. *pouts*
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