one more vent

Mar 12, 2019 12:10

"imminent": about to happen
"eminent": high profile, important
"immanent": intrinsic, (of God) all-encompassing, pervasive

If you can't tell the difference, don't try to use big words.



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vocabulary film102 December 15 2020, 19:13:35 UTC
I have never heard of t he last two words, esp, the last one. My vocabulary decreases every year as I read less and less demanding lit and news. I spent so many years trying to dumb down my vocabulary for middle school kids and parents and ever administrators in wasn't silly.

Needed to get out of classroom teaching and get into something more suited to me but was trapped by the time I figured that out due to needing my salary.

Ironically, my pension is now almost what I earned my last year of teaching. Have no house paid off or investments, but spent almost 1.5 million dollars on my counseling and therapy over the years and still see my last therapist. Still work on some of the same issues.

Am so happy that I lived long enough to get healthy, let go of the anger at my mom, reconcile with my brother, and just have a good life even though my health is failing a bit every year as I get older. It's amazing how different the world is when one doesn't hate, have grudges, paste bulls-eyes (sp???) on one's own back and work in toxic environment.

The friends I have love me and I love them. There aren't a lot of them, but they are good, nurturing people who appreciate me and I appreciate them.

Last two weeks happenings: ER visit for 3 hours for maybe having appendicitis, actually was Urinary Tract Infection. Took my sleep medication way too early before going to bed, reached down to the floor to the left and fell off the chair. LOL

I had to slither around the small 13X11 ft room trying to get out of blanket I was trapped in, couldn't use the chair I got to to help me get up, called my friend for help and hung up on her when she said she was eating breakfast, slithered to the opposite side of the room to the end of a long table where I could raise my knee and get up. Was just getting ready to call my friend to let her know I made it upright and she appeared in the doorway furious that I had hung up on her. She was scared to death for me. She had called on the same line as the one I used to call her, but that phone in the room I was in doesn't ring, and I couldn't hear the one that was ringing in the bedroom with a closed door.

She made me swear I would never hang up on her again.

I was certain I would never be able to stand again and slithering around I was sweating and terrified. I am a person who panics first and then figures out a solution.

Got a four footed cane.

My doc called me at 1:30 in the am and told me to go to the ER when I called my doctor's office. The nurse on the nurse's line told me that 3 hours earlier but I really thought the pain my lower right abdomen would resolve as it had over the last six weeks or so. LOL It didn't, it just got worse and everything I did for it came up. My right ribs still hurt and will take a few more weeks to heal from that.

Went out to go to an appointment and my car was totally dead. Took me three days to get it into the shop and multiple trips across town and back but got the rental back in one week and saved 450 dollars which I had to spend on something else.

My health is basically good. I have a great relationship with two restaurants' staffs, Whole Foods up front staff and other departments where they know me even though haven't been able to go to any stores since Covid broke. How is it where you are? Haven't seen any friends for two years except my best friend who is also the executor of my estate when I die, the one I scared half out of her wits, while slithering around the room. If you can picture a 184 pound 5"5 3/4" woman. slithering.

Can't go anywhere except to pick up food or essentials, or have food delivered. My cleaning woman I see every two weeks or so and get a hug otherwise no touch at all. Can't handle massage anymore.

Anyway, so good to reminisce and read your stuff.

Tell me how you are and what you are doing these days.

Lyn Carr


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