For all those with a touch of the blarney in their soul ...
A little BJ drabble for St Pat's Day.
Stubborn as an Irishman
Justin wishes that Brian wasn't always so fucking … Irish.
His pig-headedness combined with the fucked up ideas he gets sometimes is infuriating.
Like his "no carbs" thing. Attempts to persuade him that there are no more carbs in pasta sugo pomodoro than there are in the designer beers he downs in copious quantities are simply doomed. "Pasta" equals excessive carbs, "booze" zero carbs in Brian-world.
Tonight Justin's cooking Irish Stew and the pig-headed prick had better eat it or he'll be celebrating St Patrick's Day alone.
Brian should know by now that WASP or not, Justin can out-stubborn any Irishman.
Happy St Patrick's Day everyone! May the luck of the Irish always be with you. Happy St Patrick's Day everyone! May the luck of the Irish always be with you. Happy St Patrick's Day everyone! May the luck of the Irish always be with you.
And for those of you who've never heard it ... Tommy Fleming's eerily beautiful version of Danny Boy. If the beginning sounds a little strange, start from 2 minutes in.
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