Halloween drabble

Oct 30, 2012 08:11

Hi everyone ( Read more... )

fic: drabbles, fic: halloween

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wren_kt7oz November 3 2012, 08:13:44 UTC
I thought I'd responded to your message, but I've just checked and what I actually did was to hit 'reply' to the notification email. Which I guess was kind of pointless and has gone into some livejournal black hole.

I'm so sorry about that weekend. I wound up having to run a training session in the middle of the night on Saturday night (seriously, don't ask) and another early Sunday morning. By the time I'd finished I was completely wiped out and blush to admit that I forgot all about our lunch. I actually went home and switched everything off and slept.

My life at the moment is just ... well, let's just say I ran one webinar for some people in the UK on Monday night from 9pm to 11pm got home around midnight and to sleep about 2 am, worked a normal day shift the next two days then ran another webinar from 4am-6am on Thursday morning which meant getting up at 2.30. It's just bizarre. That part will settle down in the next week or so, but then it will be 10 and 12 hour days just trying to get through the workload to have all the damned training manuals ready to go to print by Christmas. It's three different manuals, all of which have to be translated into 16 different languages, and then get formatted and have all their localisations translated and inserted. It's nearly 60 all up, because while I can use the French and Dutch translations for Belgium as well as the English, and I can use the German translation for Austria and the French and German for Switzerland, each country has different localisations required. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and that doesn't take into account the online training package, or the certification test - also each in 16 languages.

It doesn't bear thinking about.

Anyway, I'm just really sorry. I should have known that the storm was about to hit, but I didn't even know that I would need to run the emergency webinars till the end of that week. They'd run out of trained auditors and needed to get some trained in a hurry so that we could close the market.



bigj52 November 3 2012, 08:54:57 UTC
OK. And I thought my life was complicated. What a crazy week! You're forgiven. I rang you today and left a voice mail. I'll be in Melbourne from Thursday to Tuesday next week. Are you free any time?


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