Dec 07, 2014 09:31
I read an article on Facebook (and shared it) called "When You're Poor, Life's Little Annoyances Actually Ruin Your Life", and all I could think through all of it was "Yep. -_-"
It sucks having no money. And I don't mean not having much money, can't buy what you want, can't go to the movies every week, or eat dinner out all the time. I mean waking up, looking in the cupboard and realizing you need groceries, then looking at your account and seeing a negative balance. That's what I mean by "it sucks having no money". Having to decide which bills are going to get paid this month, and which ones will have to just suck it up and deal with the fact that you have to decide to either pay them, or feed your kids. And those kids, man, they want to eat every fucking day!!! That decision is exhausting.
I want to give my kids everything I can, but I know, every December, it's going to huuuurt!! Anna's birthday party, Yule, the inevitable trip my parents want us to take to visit the family down south... Considering in an average month we can just make all our bills and have some left over for groceries, adding all of these things in, in one months is devastating! Even counting I get all of the party decorations at the dollar store, and give simple gifts - anyone who gets anything more than a card and maybe a picture of the kids is shockingly lucky! Usually, we only get gifts for immediate family, and even then, I make what I can.
It's... exhausting. And infuriating when I have to listen to people with waaaaaaaay more money bitch about not having anything. Like my Aunt. Holy fuck, it pisses me off when she complains about a lack of money. They go on a trip every year, for usually a week or more, to Cuba or the Dominican. She spent $200 on a ducking BOWL at a craft sale last month. A mothefuckinf bowl!!!!!!! She buys antiques, and they just bought a hot tub, blah blah blah. And then I have to sit here and listen to them complain that they don't have much money, and all I can think of the entire time is "Fuck you!!". Sorry, that shit pisses me off.
And yes, I know the people who can read this are in basically the same sort of position we are, monetarily, although not with the worry of diapers and new wardrobes for growing kids every season, but still lacking money. So I know you guys can understand what I'm saying. But fuck, I hate this living paycheck to paycheck thing, the constant wait for "when is more money coming in? When can we afford groceries? Can we afford our insurance, or car payments?"
Blah. Money sucks. And fuck people who look gods-damned rich to me and their whining about a lack of money. I'd live with their idea of a lack of money any day >:(