Yeeeup... >:(

Apr 11, 2014 03:11

So I have a busy day today, and no time to sleep. Naturally, after an hour of sleep, Erik has me up, and has had me up for two hours. He's exhausted, and he keeps almost falling asleep when I feed him... Except then he starts frantically punching himself in the face, and trying to tank his ear off, and spitting out the bottle/soother in an attempt to be awake. But, being awake and exhausted, he's clingy and miserable... *sigh*

Oh, and on top of that, my insides have attempted to become my outsides tonight. And my headache is back... fuuuuuuuuu....

Someone, please, just out me out of my misery now :( Stomach and abdominal cramps + four day migraine + screaming exhausted baby who won't sleep = FUCK YOU UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!! I hate you so much! >.<

via ljapp

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