Somedays, the cats outsmart themselves

Feb 22, 2007 10:21

 During my current sojourn in Canton, I'm cat sitting.  These are relatively cooperative cats (though I might clip some nails soon - one of them likes to climb on my head when I sleep!), but very food oriented.  I had forgotten this over the past year, finding out the hard way after they chewed into my bag of walnuts.  
  Anyway, they have figured out that if they beat up the automatic feeder, sometimes it gives them food.  Of course, sometimes it doesn't - and they do without 2 meals because they broke the darn thing.

So far - cats 1, feeder 2.

I'm hoping they get the hint soon, and start leaving the feeder alone.  They were very hungry last night after missing 2 meals ;-)

cats, work

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