as Lakshmi would say, dancy goodness

Feb 06, 2006 22:48

 I realized while discussing my insane schedule for the next few months (Arisia was only the start), that I need to come up with 20-30 minutes of solo choreography by the end of June, and our troupe's recital will not give me much to work with , as it is entirely to live music.  As I've been a slug about exercise of any sort, I have been trying to either practice at home or get to the gym, but work has really interfered.

So, today I got out 3 hours early, and took advantage of it.  I reviewed my music in the car on the way home, and tonight I spent an hour polishing one of my previous choreographies that is a must repeat for June.  I have designed a veil piece to Trans-siberian Orchestra's Christmas Eve in Sarajevo, and it is by far my best solo effort to date.  I blew the dust off tonight, and tightened up some areas that needed sharpening up.  I really feel good about it already, and should have it polished in no time.

I have one other repeat, and I need to pick up 3-4 more.  I'm hoping to modify one of our live music pieces, but my head keeps coming up with duet choreographies, and I won't have a partner for this gig. If any of you dancing ladies have music to recommend, please let me know.  I really want to come up with a new completely traditional piece, but the rest can be whatever works.
EDIT: Also found my notes for Missionary Man, contemplating updating that one, but may break people (this is a veterinary conference I'm dancing at!)


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