
Sep 07, 2007 21:22

To answer a meme from 

1. If you weren't a vet, what would you do?

I'd be a geneticist, finding ways to actually create unicorns, dragons, etc for the movie industry in Hollywood.

2. What costume have you always wanted to make, but haven't done?

I have plans for an amazing dryad costume complete with tree that I would love to make, but haven't found the time.

3. If you could choose one piece of music to choreograph a dance for me to dance to, what would it be?

Five for Fightings '100 Years' -  I can't make it work for bellydance, but I think you could make it work with modern dance in a really awesome way.

4. What about one for you?

One of these days I'm going to choreograph something from Peter Gabriel's 'Passion' album, but I haven't decided yet.

5. What is your favorite place that you have visited?

Visited, lived in - hands down, Ithaca, NY.  I could spend the rest of my life exploring that area.  I certainly didn't have enough time while I lived there!

I'm not going to actually continue this meme, but I thought it amusing to answer the questions.


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