Belly Buttons hafla

Mar 24, 2007 21:20

  Just got home from an afternoon long hafla in Shrewsbury.  For those not in the know, hafla is a word common to both Arabic and Hebrew and means 'celebration' or 'party'.  Today, it was a gathering of bellydancers from all over New England for classes, shopping and 3 hours of performance.  This particular event was arranged in large part by the Hippy Chix, a dance group I was in at its founding.
   WHEW!  The day was jam-packed.  Lots of catching up with dancers I've known over the years.  Had a chance to check out the vendors and add some yummy new costume stuff to my stash.  Wonderful middle eastern food served by the cook from Clan O'Choda (whose name I have no idea how to spell, but I love his cooking).  At some point, I was snagged to learn a choreography by one of the organizers to perform that night - why not?  I was only in 2 pieces, what the hell!
  Okay, I am crazy.  But we pulled the choreography off quite nicely.  Bad raqs san'e sahra made 'em laugh with the Belly Button Song, and I finally performed Christmas Eve in Sarajevo by Trans Siberian Orchestra for the dancing ladies.  Even my friend Bosney showed up to cheer us on, which was great.
  A good time was had by all. 


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